Personalized Job List Matching Criteria

The Personalized Job List - Matching Criteria feature enables system administrators to set the criteria that determine when a match is to be made between a job and a candidate. Only jobs that meet all specified criteria are displayed in the Career Section Jobs Matching My Profile page.

To efficiently match jobs to qualified candidates, system administrators can select matching criteria that improves the quality of their results. Matching is done by comparing answers provided by candidates to criteria specified in the requisition by the recruiter or the hiring manager. Because the matching criteria are global settings, they apply to all Career Sections in your organization.

The table shows matching criteria for personalized job list.
Matching Criteria
A match exists between the "Job" specified in the requisition and the candidate's "Preferred Jobs"
A match exists between the "Locations" specified in the requisition and the candidate's "Preferred Locations"
A match exists between the "Organization" specified in the requisition and the candidate's "Preferred Organizations"
A match exists between the "Locations" specified in the requisition and the candidate's "Place of Residence"
A match exists between the competencies specified in the requisition and the competencies of the candidate (based on competencies marked as required)
A match exists between the competencies specified in the requisition and the competencies of the candidate (based on competencies marked as required AND competencies marked as asset)
A match exists between the questions specified in the requisition and the candidate answers (Based on answers marked as required)
A match exists between the questions specified in the requisition and the candidate answers (Based on answers marked as required AND answers marked as asset)
Basic Profile
Job Level
Job Type
Employee Status
Education Level
Minimum Annual Salary

Basic Profile, Competencies and Questions criteria are considered as wildcards. If these criteria are not selected as Required in the requisition, or if a candidate does not enter answers for these criteria, the answers are still considered. The candidate is matched if he/she matches all the other required criteria.

For some criteria, three values are possible:
  • Required: the criterion is mandatory. The candidate must meet this specific criterion to be considered. Candidates who meet all the Required criteria are automatically matched to the selected requisition and appear in the Matching Candidate List in the Recruiting Center.

  • Desired: the criterion is not mandatory and is considered as an asset. If a candidate does not match a Desired criterion, he/she is not rejected. Candidates who meet all the Required criteria and who also meet some Desired criteria appear at the top of the Matching Candidate List in the Recruiting Center. Desired criteria are considered as a plus.

  • Not Required: the criterion is not considered.

Taleo recommends to not make competencies and questions required because candidates might not answer these questions and therefore the candidates are excluded.