Security Policies

Security settings can be set globally for each type of Career Section, and also for a specific Career Section.

System administrators can set security settings globally for each type of Career Section (internal, external, agency portal) under the Global Security section of the Career Section Administration menu. For example, Sign In requirements might be different for those who already work for the organization (Internal Career Sections) versus candidates who do not already work for the organization (External Career Sections). Or, Agency Portals might have entirely different User Account parameters. 

System administrators can also set security settings for a specific Career Section by accessing the career section page under the Career Section section of the Career Section Administration menu. If a system administrator configures the security settings for a given Career Section, it is the configuration specifically made for that Career Section that is applied, not the configuration set for a Career Section type. The security settings set at the Career Section type level are used as the default settings if no settings are defined for a given Career Section.

Security settings are organized into five groups:
  • Security Settings

  • Sign In

  • User Accounts

  • Self-registration (not for agency portals)

  • User Name

There are two groups of security settings that can only be set at the Career Section type:

  • Password

  • Forgot Password

Several Career Section settings allows the configuration of several Security Settings. For example, the system administrator can choose to enforce a security protection on all pre-authentication pages in order to prevent browser to cache all credentials (login/password, access code, secret question/answer) request. The Activate Secure Login setting allows the system administrator to enable this feature. When this setting is activated, the Back button in browser may not work properly anymore.

The table shows security settings.
Setting Possible Values Default Value Location
Show Explicit Login Error Messages
  • No

  • Yes

No Configuration > [Career Section] Settings
Propagate Username in Login Pages
  • No

  • Yes

Yes Configuration > [Career Section] Settings
Career Section Services Password user-defined None Configuration > [Career Section] Settings
Activate Secure Login
  • No

  • Yes

No Configuration > [Career Section] Settings
Use SSN as User Name User-defined No Configuration > [Career Section] Settings
Invitation to Self-identify User-defined none Configuration > [Career Section] Settings


The table shows permission for managing securities.
User Type Permission Name Location
Manage Security Policies Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Types > Configuration