Sorting of Faceted Search Results

Visitors to a career section can sort the results of faceted searches.

After performing a faceted search, users click the Sort by field at the top of the job list and select a sorting criterion. The list is sorted automatically to reflect the sorting selection. In addition, they can display the sorted list in ascending or descending order by making the corresponding selection in the Ascending/Descending list. If users (i.e. candidates or employees) switch between "Single-line" and "Multi-line displays, the jobs continued to be sorted according to the sorting selection until the users make a new sorting selection.

Each time users visit the career section, jobs are first sorted using the default sorting criterion chosen by the Career Section administrator.

Career Section administrators can decide which fields users can select to sort faceted search results and they can also set the default sort field. Administrators can make any or all of the following fields available for sorting faceted search results at a particular career section: Job Title, Location (i.e. Primary Location), Posting Date, Relevancy, Schedule, Unposting Date and Urgent Need. In addition, administrators can decide whether the jobs in Faceted search result lists are displayed in ascending or descending order by default (regardless of which sorting selection users will make). The one exception is Relevancy: this field is always present in the Sort by list and if users select Relevancy, jobs are always listed in descending order (i.e. the most relevant jobs at the top of the list and the least relevant jobs at the end of the list).

Career Section administrators can decide that jobs identified as "urgent need" jobs are displayed at the top of faceted search result lists regardless of the sorting selection that users make. Suppose an administrator selects this option and a user later sorts a Faceted search result list by Location and in ascending order. Jobs identified as "urgent need" jobs would be displayed first in alphabetical order of location, followed by the other jobs also sorted in alphabetical order of location.

If system administrators make no selections, jobs are sorted by Relevancy in descending order.

More generally, the sorting engine first considers "urgent need" jobs if Career Section administrators select that option. It then considers the sorting criterion selected by users, then keyword relevancy (alphabetical order), then posting date (numerical order), and finally requisition ID (alpha-numeric order).


The table shows settings for faceted search.
Setting Location
Job List Sorting Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > (click a career section) > [Career Portal Pages] Show > Faceted Search > Edit Properties
Sorting Direction Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > (click a career section) > [Career Portal Pages] Show > Faceted Search > Edit Properties
Always show urgent need jobs on top of the job list Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > (click a career section) > [Career Portal Pages] Show > Faceted Search > Edit Properties