Style Classes

Style classes is a guide to the element properties of the Career Section images.

The table shows element properties of the Career Section images.
Key Description Background Text
Career Section Header Black
A Selected sub-tab
  • Career Section Header
Selected sub-tab: 88 Black
B Selected tab
  • Career Section Header
Selected tab: 89 Black
C Unselected Tab
  • Career Section Header
Unselected Tab: 90 Black
D Candidate user logged in status
  • Career Section Header
First Color: 98 Header Username: 195
8 Links in the Career Section header
  • Career Section Header
First Color: 98
  • Header and Footer Link: 299

  • Header and Footer Link (Mouse over event):298

) Job cart icon
  • Career Section Header
First Color: 98 Job Cart Icon: 397
+ Unselected sub-tab
  • Career Section Header
Second Color: 98 Black
Career Section Footer
% Search results pager links
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Footer
Background:99 Disabled Links
  • Page Disabled Link:291

Active Links
  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

Career Section Login Page
d Required fields marked with an asterisk message in the Career Section.
  • Career Section Login
Second Color:98 Warning Text:176
f Login page titles
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Page Title:175
i Text
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application flow OLF block
Background:99 Page Text:170
q Message title for form errors in the Career Section.
  • Career Section Login
Notification Message Box:95 Message Title:166
r Message body for form errors in the Career Section.
  • Career Section Login
Notification Message Box:95 Message Text:165
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
¢ Login help links
  • Career Section Login
Background:99 Blue
Login form labels
  • Career Section Login
Background:99 Black
¿ Login form elements
  • Career Section Login
White Black
Career Section Search Form
E Search title and subtitle
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Subtitle:198198

  • Search Subtitle:189 overrides 198

  • 174 overrides 189
F Tab label
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Tab> Fourth Color: 91

  • Back panel>Second Color:96

L Help panel title
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Title:194
M Subtitles in the help panel
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Help Subtitle:193
N Help panel text
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Text:192
O Search form select list label
  • Career Section Search Form
Fourth Color: 91 Text:196
W Job search form instructions
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Search Text:188

  • Page Text:170

X Search form text box labels
  • Career Section Search Form
Background:99 Search Label:187
9 Links
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

@ Add or remove olf criteria
  • Career Section Search Form
Fourth Color:91
  • Action Link:295

  • Action Link (Mouse over event):294

~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
} System Form Content
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Search Form
Input Control: 399 Input Control: 399
Career Section Search Results
G Search results title
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Subtitle:198

  • List Subtitle:185 overrides 198

H Label for the search results form
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 List Label:183
J List Text
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Subtitle:198

  • List Text:184 overrides 198

M Subtitles in the help panel
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Help Subtitle:193
N Help panel text
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Text:192
P Title for the icon legend
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Legend Title:191
R Text for the icon legend
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Legend Text:190
U Referral Bonus Amount
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Referral Bonus Amount:181
Z Background:99
b Job Posting Date
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Job Posting Date:180
9 Links
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

% Search results pager links
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Footer
Background:99 Disabled Links
  • Page Disabled Link:291

Active Links
  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

} System Form Content
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Search Form
Input Control: 399 Input Control: 399
< Links in the help panel
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Help Link:290

  • Help Link (Mouse over event):289

# Job listing title
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Title Link:293

  • Title Link(Mouse over event):292

Information Balloon
4 Balloon Title
  • Information Balloon
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Title:163
5 Balloon Text
  • Information Balloon
White Balloon Text:160
Balloon With Search Criteria
4 Balloon Title
  • Information Balloon
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Title:163
6 Balloon search summary label
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Label:162
7 Balloon search summary value
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Value:161
Application Flow Header
g Applying for
  • Application Flow Header
First Color:98 Job Information:179
h Application flow page number information
  • Application Flow Header
First Color:98 Flow Step:177
^ Job title in the application flow header
  • Application Flow Header
First Color:98
  • Action Link:295

  • Action Link (Mouse over event):294

{ Links in the progress bar
  • Application Flow Header
  • Flow Step>Third Color:96

  • Progress Bar> Second Color:97

  • Small Link:288

  • Small Link (Mouse over event):287

& Edit
  • Application Flow Summary
Second Color:97
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

; Selected Flow Step
  • Application Flow Header
  • Flow Step>Third Color:96

  • Flow Step Frame>Fourth Color: 91

  • Progress Bar> Second Color:97

Flow Progress Bar:178
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
Application Flow Footer
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
Application Flow Form
L Help panel title
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Title:194
N Help panel text
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Text:192
S Application flow block title
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Subtitle:198
f Application flow page titles
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Page Title:175
i Text
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application flow OLF block
Background:99 Page Text:170
t Input Labels
  • Application Flow Form
  • Summary page element labels

Page Label:169
2 Label
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Page Value:168
3 Application Flow Form Error
  • Application Flow Form
Error Message Box:93 Error Text:167
* Application flow form tips
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Black
Application Flow OLF Block
K Preference title in OLF block
  • Application flow OLF block
Background99 Page List Element Title:171
e Page subtitles in the application flow
  • Application flow OLF block
  • Application Flow Summary
  • List Text:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overrides 198

i Text
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application flow OLF block
Background:99 Page Text:170
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
¥ OLF form label
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Background:99 Grey
£ OLF form element
  • Application Flow OLF Block
White Black
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Background:99 Blue
Application Flow Shift Grid
T Shift grid title
  • Shift Grid Block
  • Application Flow Summary
First Color:98
  • Subtitle:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overwrites 198

( Shift grid buttons
  • Shift Grid Block
  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

Application Flow Summary
T Shift grid title
  • Shift Grid Block
  • Application Flow Summary
First Color:98
  • Subtitle:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overwrites 198

e Page subtitles in the application flow
  • Application flow OLF block
  • Application Flow Summary
  • List Text:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overrides 198

f Application flow page titles
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Page Title:175
k Text in the heading of the summary page of the application flow
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Summary Section Title:173
m Summary section title
  • Application Flow Summary
Second Color:97 Summary Section Title:173
n Second Color:97 Page Text:170
t Input Labels
  • Application Flow Form
  • Summary page element labels

Page Label:169
2 Label
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Page Value:168
& Edit
  • Application Flow Summary
Second Color:97
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296