Scheduling Center Screening Service Properties, Settings, and Fields

The table shows Scheduling Center screening service properties.
Scheduling Center Screening Service Property Description Location
Name Value: Scheduling Center or Scheduling Center (Proctored) Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Description Value: The Scheduling Center automatically schedules candidates you designate on calendars you can control. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Provider Name Taleo Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Provider Description Taleo Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Type Scheduling Center Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Status Possible values are Active, Inactive. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Code Code given to Scheduling Center. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service settings.
Scheduling Center Screening Service Setting Description Location
Validity Period

Value: Always valid

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Candidate must answer email within (in hours) Value: 0

This setting is not used by Scheduling Center.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
This service is mandatory for new requisitions and for those updated while in "Draft" status

This setting is not used by Scheduling Center.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Access this service through the browser full-screen mode Provided pop-up calendar delivery is used, this setting directs the browser to ignore the latest defined pop-up size and instead present the Scheduling Center in full-screen mode. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Client Identifier Client ID is assigned when Scheduling Center is created. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
Delay to wait before timing out a request (in hours) When a request times out the system will no longer try to receive a candidate appointment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > [Properties] > Edit
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service input field properties.
Scheduling Center Screening Service Input Field Property Description Location
AssessmentID The calendar associated with the initial interview phase of the CSW.
The properties of the input field are:
  • Code: The internal name of the input field. The code is a read-only property.

  • Name: The label of the field in the requisition file. For example, Calendar ID 1.

  • Domain: The type of field. The domain is a read-only property.

  • Mandatory: If the service definition specifies the field as being mandatory, then the input field will always be mandatory. If the service definition specifies the field as optional, then you can configure the field as being either mandatory or optional. For example, if the input field is mandatory, then in the Recruiting Center, the Assessment Version field in the requisition file Screening block will have a red asterisk to indicate that the field must be completed.

  • Default Value: Calendar displayed by default in the requisition file.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Input Fields > Version [Properties] > Edit
AssessementId2-AssessementId10 The calendar associated with the interview phases of the CSW, after the initial phase.
The properties of the input field are:
  • Code: The internal name of the input field. The code is a read-only property.

  • Name: The label of the field in the requisition file. For example, Calendar ID 1.

  • Domain: The type of field. The domain is a read-only property.

  • Mandatory: If the service definition specifies the field as being mandatory, then the input field will always be mandatory. If the service definition specifies the field as optional, then you can configure the field as being either mandatory or optional. For example, if the input field is mandatory, then in the Recruiting Center, the Assessment Version field in the requisition file Screening block will have a red asterisk to indicate that the field must be completed.

  • Default Value: Calendar displayed by default in the requisition file.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Input Fields > Version [Properties] > Edit
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service result field properties.
Scheduling Center Screening Service Result Field Description Location
Appointment The status of the first phase appointment. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > Appointment
ApointmentStatus2-10 The status of an appointment possibly in phase 2 through 10. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > ApointmentStatus1-10
DetailsUrl Appears as the More Details link by default. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the link by editing the Name field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > DetailsUrl
SchedulingError The value, Scheduling Center returned an error, will appear if there is a communication error between Recruiting and Scheduling Center. If the error pertains to an error within Scheduling Center, a code will follow the text.

The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > SchedulingError
SchedulingStatus The status of scheduling the appointment. The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > SchedulingStatus
SchedulingNoShowStatus The value of this field is displayed in the Results Summary in the Screening tab of the Job Submission. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > SchedulingNoShowStatus
Summary The Recruiting administrator can change the name of the label of the field. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Result Fields > Summary
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service user-defined form properties.
Scheduling Center Screening Service User-Defined Form Description Location
Capture of input fields

This is where you define how the Scheduling Center field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in Edit mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
Display of input fields

This is where you define how the Scheduling Center field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in View mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
Display of result fields This is where you define how the Scheduling Center result fields will appear in the candidate submission. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
Display of result set fields This is used only for those external partners whose certification includes result set fields. Scheduling Center does not use these kinds of fields. Therefore, nothing to configure here. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > User-defined Forms
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service labels.
Scheduling Center Screening Service Label Description Location
Service Name This is the name of the service. Default value:

Select an Interview Schedule

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
Label 1 Default value:

Our initial review indicates that you may be qualified for this position. Additional information could facilitate your selection. This information will allow us to rank you with regard to other candidates as part of our total assessment process.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
Label 2 Default value:

Therefore, we invite you to fill out an online assessment questionnaire. This process occurs in another window. You must answer all questions in a page before clicking Next. If you don't know the answer to a question, select the option that makes more sense to you.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
Label Before Link to Service Default value:

Do not use the browser's Back or Forward buttons to view previous or following questions. If you do so, you will lose all the information you have entered.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
Link to Service Default value:

Schedule an Appointment

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
Tooltip for Link to Service Default value:

Access the assessment questionnaire

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
Label 3 Default value:

After completing the questionnaire, you will automatically return to this page.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > Labels
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service CSW actions.
Scheduling Center Screening Service CSW Action Description Location
Workflow The action will take place when a candidate uses the specified workflow. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
Step The action will take place when the specified step is reached or later if the status criteria are not yet met. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
Status The candidate must have this status when he or she reaches the selected step or the action will not take place until this status is reached. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
Action Send Online Screening Assessment Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
Phase The phase is used with the candidate selection workflow (CSW). If a certain step/status is reached in the CSW, then the system can send out a Phase request to the partner (like perform additional assessment for the candidate after the candidate reached a certain step in the CSW). Phases are not used with Taleo Assessment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Scheduling Center > CSW Actions
The table shows Scheduling Center screening service correspondence.
Scheduling Center Screening Service Correspondence Description Location
Message template (internal candidate) Message templates are used either when the recruiter manually requests an appointment invitation for a candidate, or when a candidate decides on the Career Section to receive an email with a link to the scheduling service. A message template is selected for internal candidates. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Taleo Assessment > Correspondence
Message template (external candidate) Message templates are used either when the recruiter manually requests an appointment invitation for a candidate, or when a candidate decides on the Career Section to receive an email with a link to the scheduling service. A message template is selected for external candidates. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Taleo Assessment > Correspondence