User Cookie Acceptance

The Display Cookie Acceptance setting enables Administrators to either advise job seekers on the site’s use of cookies or to require job seekers to agree to the site’s use of cookies prior to using their jobs site.

The configuration setting allows Administrators to select whether to display the Cookie Blocking Modal, the Cookie Advisory Banner or no cookie policy information at all. The Advisory Banner is informational so users may dismiss the banner and will be able to continue with all actions on the site. The Blocking Modal forces agreement. The user will not be able to continue using the site unless they click Accept. If users dismiss the banner or agree to the modal, another cookie is loaded and the banner or modal will not show again for that site. However, if cookies are cleared from a device, the previously dismissed banner or previously agreed to modal will reappear. All of these actions are site-specific.

At upgrade the Display Cookie Acceptance setting is set to None. Administrators can choose to display either the Advisory Banner or the Blocking Modal by accessing the Site Builder's configuration and clicking the Gear icon next to the site that is to be configured. Administrators click the Pencil icon next to the Display Cookie Acceptance setting and select either the Advisory Banner or Blocking Modal.