User Session Timeout

There are two configuration settings, Session Maximum Inactive Interval (seconds) and Session Timeout Reminder Interval (seconds), that allow Administrators to expire a user’s login session after a particular time period of browser inactivity.

When a user abandons their session without terminating their login session, the session will be terminated unless action is taken by the user. A warning modal displays to the user advising them that their session will be terminated within a particular time period unless they extend their session by clicking OK on the modal. Clicking OK dismisses the modal and resets the timers. If no action is taken, the session terminates within the time configured by the Administrator.

The feature is enabled at upgrade and cannot be disabled; a positive integer must be entered in both configurations. The delivered default value for the Session Maximum Inactive Interval is 1800 seconds. The delivered default value for the Session Timeout Reminder Interval is 1500 seconds.