Sourcing Introduction

Sourcing is a powerful and flexible tool offering organizations talent acquisition services such as mobile-responsive career sites, job postings, job promotion campaigns and messages, employee referrals of candidates, etc. Sourcing can be used to build branded career sites, obtain referrals, build marketing campaigns, maximize internal mobility and much more. Customers are able to create multiple Career Sites (sites) that may target different populations that focus on differing regions or brands, for example. Sourcing integrates with social media channels, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, and both Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition and Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE).

Sourcing is three applications in one:

  • Career Site

  • Referral Tool

  • Job Marketing Tool

Sourcing as a Career Site

Sourcing enables customers to build multiple, complex, multilingual, mobile-responsive career sites easily with Site Builder. Using Site Builder, your career sites, or sites, not only contain the list of your jobs (Career Section), but richly branded elements, custom pages, site-specific pages and much more. These sites are then simply maintained using the tools within Site Builder allowing for more frequent updates and less costs and dependence on third-party providers.

Progressive deployment of Sourcing is possible. For example, you can select which Career Sections that you want to include in your deployment and then filter those further whether it be by brand, country, etc. Or, you can create a Sourcing deployment pilot using only a small subset of jobs. This allows customers to experience the benefits of Sourcing with very low risk, assess the results and then later deploy to more users. Sourcing is scalable; it can be managed by a small subset of super users.

Sourcing is flexible in its configuration options. It allows groupings of jobs from various Career Sections and supports the creation of a global portal. There is no need to reconfigure OTAC to implement Sourcing; all of your OTAC configurations, permissions, groups, Career Sections, etc., remain.

Sites in Sourcing provide an easy and powerful user experience. Contributing to this optimal user experience is Sourcing's ability to configure and deploy Landing pages. Landing pages are dedicated, promotion-specific pages that are presented as links within a site and that can also be shared in emails, social media and campaigns. A Landing page narrows the focus of the content presented by grouping jobs by category, location or a customized combination of both category and location. This narrower focus of Landing pages eases the navigation for a user as they reduce the number of clicks they need to perform to get to the information that's relevant to them.

The first and most important group of people to look at when recruiting are your own employees. Sourcing provides tools such as tethering internal Career Sections to sites, Job Alerts and tailoring sites specifically to internal candidates, to name a few, that allow you to easily target your best talent first.

Sourcing as a Referral Tool

Second only to internal mobility, referrals are crucial to obtaining quality candidates. Sourcing offers tools for employees such as sharing job links through email and social media and a Resume Upload button to leverage your own employees for referrals. You can also create referral campaigns using criterion filters to make those campaigns more efficient by targeting the right audiences.

Sourcing as a Job Marketing Tool

Sourcing helps customers promote their jobs. Landing pages are easily created using Site Builder which allows you to group jobs by location, category, or a combination of both. Landing pages ease the navigation paths for users by eliminating the need for them to filter and drill down into those filters to find the jobs they are seeking. Again, this adds to the mobile users experience as filtering on mobile devices can be cumbersome.

Sourcing has tools to support adding videos to Jobs pages, creating rich content on Landing pages and creating campaigns to market to your Talent Community and fans and followers on social media. These tools all help to promote your jobs to both existing and prospective candidates.

Key Considerations

To make the most of your Sourcing implementation, you are encouraged to put time and thought into determining what you want to achieve with Sourcing. Answering several key questions prior to implementing Sourcing can help guide you into selecting the implementation that's best for your organization. A measured approach is recommended as too many configurations are challenging to maintain. Prior to implementing Sourcing, consider the following:

What do you want to achieve with Sourcing?

  • What types of populations do you want to reach?

  • Do you want to segregate jobs into regions?

  • Do you have multiple brands and if so, do you want to support these different brands uniquely with different sites?

    What are the mandatory steps to implement Sourcing and how do I want to complete them?

  • Which Career Sections from Recruiting do you want to integrate?

  • What are the steps to import your employees into Sourcing?

  • What are the steps to get your jobs synced with Sourcing?

  • What are the requirements to get your locations geocoded?

Production and Vanity URLs

Sourcing is a separate application that resides under its own URL and domain, independent of a customer’s other Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition or Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE) zones.

Oracle provisions customers 2 instances of a Sourcing application, one in a staging/upgrade environment and one in production. The URL domains for Sourcing instances consist of the following structure:
  • Production:

  • Staging/Upgrade:

Oracle also can support the provisioning of Sourcing with vanity URLs to reflect your organization's name (e.g., Using vanity URLs helps prevent users from knowing, from the URL, they have left your organization's site and are on a Sourcing hosted site. Customers with multiple brand identities, aligned to unique sites in Sourcing, can also configure a vanity URL for each site. This contributes to helping organizations build employment brands.

The table presents the configuration setting for vanity domains.
Name Location
Global Vanity Domains [Sourcing] Administrator login > Settings (Name) > Configuration > Company > Company URLs
Site Vanity Domains [Sourcing] Administrator login > Settings (Name) > Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Settings