Custom Configuration Settings

The Custom configuration section provides access to settings relating to creating custom pre-headers, fields, pages and other features for the site.

Custom pages provide administrators the ability to create and publish custom company and program-specific information. Up to three custom pages (disabled by default) can be turned on using the settings provided below. When enabled, each page's title displays on the main navigation bar at the top of the Portal or Home page. The pages are also visible within Site Builder and listed as Global Pages.


Settings for the Custom configuration are listed in the following table.

The table presents settings for the Custom configuration.
Name Description
Configuration > Custom > Pre-Header
Custom Pre-Header Enables ability to enter custom HTML for the Portal/Home page pre-header.
Custom Pre-Header HTML Enter custom HTML for the Portal/Home page pre-header.
Configuration > Custom > Additional Fields
Job Apply Additional Fields Enter code for custom fields for the Apply tray, to capture required information from end users (e.g., a question about security clearances).
Talent Community Additional Fields Enter code for custom fields for the Talent Community, to capture required information from end users.
User Settings Additional Fields Enter code for custom fields for the Settings page, to capture required information from end users.
Configuration > Custom > CSS
Advanced CSS Click Edit (Pencil) icon to enter custom advanced CSS code for the stylesheet.
Facebook CSS Click Edit (Pencil) icon to enter custom Facebook CSS code.
Configuration > Custom > Custom Page 1
Custom Page 1 Enabled Enables creation of a custom page and display of the page name in the navigation bar. Provides the ability to enable/disable and customize pages for a Sourcing zone, to publish company and program-specific information. Custom pages are disabled by default. They have editable title, subtitle and content. An example is the creation of a custom page to display the Privacy Policy, for the Facebook Application to link to.
Display to Trusted Referrers Only Enables display of the custom page to trusted referrers only.
Navigation Label Enter a navigation label for the page.
Title Enter a title for the page.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the page.
Content Enter text content for the page.
Configuration > Custom > Custom Page 2
Custom Page 2 Enabled Enables creation of a custom page and display of the page name in the navigation bar.
Display to Trusted Referrers Only Enables display of the custom page to trusted referrers only.
Navigation Label Enter a navigation label for the page.
Title Enter a title for the page.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the page.
Content Enter text content for the page.
Configuration > Custom > Custom Page 3
Custom Page 3 Enabled Enables creation of a custom page and display of the page name in the navigation bar.
Display to Trusted Referrers Only Enables display of the custom page to trusted referrers only.
Navigation Label Enter a navigation label for the page.
Title Enter a title for the page.
Subtitle Enter a subtitle for the page.
Content Enter text content for the page.