Search and Geolocation Configuration Settings

The Search configuration section provides access to settings relating to the geolocation search, geocoding, PlaceFinder and Solr.


Settings for the Search configuration are listed in the following table.

The table presents settings for the Search configuration.
Name Description
Configuration > Search > SOLR
SOLR Enabled Enables Solr search platform.
Server URL Enter the search server URL.
Core Name Enter the core name. Defaults to client code if blank.
Fields Queried Enter the fields queried in the search.
Boost Query Enter the boost query.
Configuration > Search > SOLR PlaceFinder
Sever URL Enter the Solr PlaceFinder server URL.
Core Name Enter the core name.
Country List Filter Select which countries should show up in PlaceFinder.
Maximum Number of Results Sets the maximum number of results in PlaceFinder searches.
Configuration > Search > SOLR Data Population
Import Jobs Runs a process to import jobs into Solr.
Import Jobs and Delete Archived Runs a process to import jobs and delete archived.
Import Jobs (Java Version) Runs a process to import jobs (Java version).
Configuration > Search > Geolocation and Geocoding
Geolocation Search Enabled Enables Geolocation Search. When turned On, Sourcing will ask the user's location upon loading. If the user agrees, the system will prepopulate the Location Search box with their location.
Metric Default Sets the radius search to work with metric measurements.
User Control Radius Unit Enables the user control radius unit in job search. When enabled, if a user agrees to share their location, or types the city into the Location Search box, the Sourcing search results will find all the jobs that are within a radius of that location. The user can set the search radius distance on the Job Search page.
Default Country Enter the default country.
Location Match Pattern Enter the Location Match Pattern.
Geocode Job Locations Normally done during the TE job feed to Sourcing, configured to run at set intervals. Click Geocode Jobs to run it now.
Allowlist Parser - Server URL Enter the Allowlist Parser server URL.
Allowlist Parser - Core Name Enter the Allowlist Parser core name.


These glossary terms and descriptions pertain to the settings for the Search and Geolocation configuration sections:

Geocoding - A location defined as a string or semi-formatted text, then translated to standard geographical coordinates (i.e. longitude and latitude). "Reverse Geocoding" refers to longitude and latitude coordinates converted to a human-readable location description.

Geocode-based searching - Sourcing uses geocoding to convert job locations and user locations (strings) into longitude and latitude coordinates, and radius search to match users to jobs within a user-defined distance from their location.

Geolocation - The identification of a meaningful, real world location of an object, such as a street address, using its latitude and longitude coordinates. Geolocation search works in Sourcing by using the address, city, state or province, and country from the TE job feed, and coding those fields to a specific longitude and latitude.

Job Location - The geographic location where a job is based. There can be multiple locations for a job posting.

Job Location Translation - The supported language translation, if there is one, for the locale (country) the job location is in.

PlaceFinder - Geocoding technology to make applications location-aware, by converting place formats (such as street addresses or place names) into geographic coordinates and address components.

Solr Search - A search engine platform for websites with features such as faceted search, database integration and geospatial search that make it useful for performing geolocation searches.

Allowlist parser - A part of the Solr technology that is used in the geocoding process, containing a list of places around the world. In order to geocode the job location through the Oracle eLocation API correctly, the location string must be parsed into country, state/province, city and address values. The parsed values are then sent to the API and the coordinates returned to Sourcing.