Social Sourcing Home Page

The Portal page provides end-users, both registered and unregistered, access to your organization's main job postings and the ability to search your site for additional job postings. Internal users, such as administrators and recruiters, can also log into Sourcing and use its job posting and sharing functions. Other end-users can register with the site, and log in to view and edit their user settings.

Forgot Password Function Available at Sign In

If you've forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link during the login process and enter your email address. You'll receive an email message with instructions on how to set up a new password.

Portal Page

The Portal page serves as the basic job search front-end for all users when not yet logged in, both registered and unregistered. It also serves as the Home page for a logged in user, with the same general layout, displaying a subset of the available functionality based on their access role. Features which may be available to users on the Portal or Home page are summarized in the following table. The exact features you see depend upon whether you are logged in, your access role and your organization's implementation:

The table presents user interface elements on the Portal page.
UI Element Description
Header Contains informational elements such as Company Logo, Our Products, Our Solutions, About Us, etc.
Navigation bar Contains navigation links to Sourcing's main modules: Jobs, Promote Jobs, Analytics, Help (FAQs), Configuration, User Settings, and social channel sign-in (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Weibo).
Jobs Click to return to the main portal/home page from the other pages in the site. From this page users can view featured jobs, job shares, and search the site for more job postings. Available to most users.
Promote Jobs Click to access the Promote Jobs page, from where you can manage job posting campaigns such as: Automatic Referral Marketing, Referrals On-Demand, Social Jobs Distribution and Talent Community messaging. Available to administrators and recruiters.
Analytics Click to access the Analytics module and view data about your site's activity. Available to administrators and recruiters.
Help (FAQ) Click to view Frequently Asked Questions content. Available to users of all types. Help/FAQ content is role dependent.
Rewards Click to view your organization's employee referral bonus policy, who is eligible and potential bonus amounts.
Account Settings (Your Name) Click to view and edit you account settings, including:
  • Settings for your Unique Referral Link, User Info, Interests, Password Reset, Social Networks, Email Job Alerts and Privacy.

  • Configuration settings for the site (administrators only).

  • Invite a Recruiter (administrators only).

  • Manage My Channels (administrators and recruiters).

  • Sign Out.

Social Channel icons Click to access your social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). You must first have a valid social network account.
Promotional (Promo) Text Text promoting you organization's jobs or messages. (Promo text is editable by administrators in the dictionary editor. It can be contextualized by role, so if you are an administrator, recruiter, employee or guest you see different text.)
Manage Landing Pages Click to access the Manage Landing Pages module. Available to administrators.
Sign Up Use to set up an account to be able to refer jobs, either by signing in with one or more of your social networks (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn), or by signing up with your email address. Sign Up and Sign In buttons only display on sites configured as Referral Only. There is also a configuration option for Administrators to hide these buttons behind and Are you an employee? link.
Sign In Use to sign into your account. Internal users with administrator or recruiter privileges use this feature to access the management functions within Sourcing. Sign Up and Sign In buttons only display on sites configured as Referral Only. There is also a configuration option for Administrators to hide these buttons behind and Are you an employee? link.
Sign Up for Job Alerts Use to sign up for job alerts sent to you by email; based on the job interests, locations and alert frequency you specify.
Search for Jobs Use to enter criteria to search the site for more jobs, based on keyword and location.
  • Click on the Keyword field to view and select from a list of the top five job categories.

  • Click on the Location field to view and select from a list of the top five job locations.

  • For either field, type in the beginning few letters of a keyword to produce an auto-complete list of values.

For more information see the Job Search section of this guide.

Search button Use to initiate a search for more jobs, based on keyword and location. Opens the Job Search page, providing access to its filtering capabilities.

For more information see the Job Search section of this guide.

Featured Jobs
Use to view a list of open jobs tagged by recruiters as New or Hot. You can also:
  • View summaries of the featured jobs.

  • Click the View All New or View All Hot links to filter for all available hot or new jobs within Sourcing.

  • Click a job title to open the Job Details page. From the Job Details you can view the job description and related information, and apply for the job.

  • Click a job location to view a list of the jobs for that location.

My Profile section
To the right of the Featured Jobs section. If you are not logged in, and the site mode is set up as a job site, the My Profile section displays the following:
  • Text stating "Create and manage profiles for future opportunities."

  • The Go to Profile button. When you click the button you are directed to a sign in modal. If you have no account you are provided the option to Sign Up.

If you are logged in, the section displays your account name and a circular personal image, if provided. If no image is uploaded the default is a generic silhouette. The Go to Profile link targets career sections configured for your Sourcing privilege class, or role, and you will be directed to the appropriate profiles based upon those privileges. The section also displays your personal sharing information with the total number of:
  • Links Shared - Click the link to view a modal detailing the links you have shared.

  • Clicks - Click the link to view a modal detailing the clicks on your referrals.

  • Candidates - Click the link to view information about the applications completed by your referrals.

My Submissions section
To the right of the Featured Jobs section. If you are not logged in, the My Submissions section displays the following:
  • Text stating "Track Your Opportunities."

  • My Submissions button. When you click the button you are directed to a sign in modal. If you have no account you are provided the option to Sign Up.

If you are logged in, the section displays information about your applications. The My Submissions link targets career sections configured for your Sourcing privilege class, or role, and you will be directed to the appropriate submissions (external and internal) based upon those privileges.

Top Referrers
Use to view a summary the top referrers for your site. They are those users who are most active in terms of sharing jobs and the results those job shares generate. Top Referrers are scored using these criteria:
  • Job Shares.

  • Clicks resulting from job shares.

  • Apply starts from job shares.

Each criterion is weighted according to your preferences; weights can be configured by Oracle Administrators. In order to be eligible as a Top Referrer, users must meet a configurable minimum Qualifying Score.

Previous Job Searches Use to view a summary of your recent job searches.
Activity Feed

Use to view total number of job posting shares for your site from launch to today.

The latest activity appears in chronological order.

Site Map Use to view a list of the pages in the site with direct links to open the pages.