
Comments (also known as annotations) enable you to discuss changes in performance and progress for an initiative, objective, or KPI for a specific set of dimension values (that is, for a specific point of view).

You can add, view, and reply to comments in many places in a scorecard. For example, you can add a comment directly to an objective in the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab. You can also add a comment to an objective in the Diagram tab of a view, a smart watchlist, and a perspective in which its referenced.

A comment is associated with:

  • An initiative, objective, or KPI that measures the progress of an initiative and objective.

    When an initiative, objective, or KPI that has a comment associated with it is referenced elsewhere in a scorecard and the point of view being displayed matches that of the comment, a comment indicator is displayed as follows:

    • In a watchlist, a blue triangle is displayed in the row containing the initiative, objective, or KPI. For more information on watchlists, see "Watchlists".

    • In a node in the Diagram tab of a view, the Comment button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the node.

  • A certain column. A comment is normally associated with the Status column of an objective, initiative, or KPI, unless (for KPIs only) the comment is added to another column such as Trend or Variance.

  • A specific point of view. Comments are filtered by the values in the point of view area in the Scorecard editor that are currently in effect for the object being viewed. As a result, the comment for Eastern Region Sales can be different than the comment for Western Region Sales. (For more information on the point of view, see "Point of View Area".)

  • Any dimension pinnings on the KPI. Comments are filtered by any other dimension pinnings that are in effect (on a KPI, scorecard, scorecard diagram, dashboard prompt, or KPI watchlist).

Note: As you work with comments, remember that a comment is associated with a specific point of view. For more information on the point of view, see "Point of View Area".