Scorecard Editor

The Scorecard editor lets you create a scorecard of your entire organization or of individual departments. It consists of numerous panes and tabs:

  • On the left side of the editor are the panes that you use to create the objects that comprise your scorecard. For example, it includes the Strategy pane, which you use to create, organize, and leverage the objectives that form the strategic structure (also called the strategy tree) of the corporate entity (department, for example) that you want to evaluate.

  • On the right side of the editor is the tab area. When you first create a scorecard, you are presented with the Overview tab. This tab enables you to view summary information for the selected initiative, objective, or KPI. As you create your scorecard objects, detailed tabs are generated dynamically for each object. For example, when you create an objective, a tab is generated for that objective. You use this tab to define the objective and to view detailed information about the objective, such as which KPIs are to be used to evaluate it and which initiatives drive it.

  • At the top of the editor are toolbar buttons and the point of view area. The point of view area displays the dimensions of the KPIs that are used in the Scorecard to measure the progress and performance of initiatives and objectives. You use this area to pin (or set) values for the dimensions. When you pin a dimension, the data in the scorecard is filtered to give you a new point of view (that is, a new view of the data). See "Point of View Area".