Creating an Agent from a KPI

You must have one of the following user type permissions:
  • BI Author Developer

  • BI Tenant Administrator

Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
  1. Locate the KPI from which you want to create an agent using one of the following methods:
    • From the Catalog page, browse for and locate the KPI. In the "Catalog area", click the KPI's More list and select Create Agent. The "Create New Agent dialog" is displayed.

    • From anywhere in scorecard (Strategy pane, Initiatives pane, Scorecard Documents pane, Catalog pane, or any tab within the Scorecard Editor), select a KPI, right-click, and select Create Agent.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the agent and complete the Create New Agent dialog. Click OK.
  3. Complete and save the agent.