Creating a Smart Watchlist

You must have one of the following user type permissions:
  • BI Author Developer

  • BI Tenant Administrator

Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
  1. Edit the scorecard in which you want to create the smart watchlist. For information, see "Opening or Editing a Scorecard".
  2. In the Scorecard Documents pane, click the New Object toolbar button and select Create Smart Watchlist.
    The Scorecard editor: Smart Watchlist tab is displayed.
  3. In the Filter pane, specify the filter criteria as follows:
    1. In the Filter pane: Relationship tab, specify the object relationships by which the scorecard objects are to be filtered.
    2. In the Filter pane: Type tab, specify the object types by which the scorecard objects are to be filtered.
    3. In the Filter pane: Perspective tab, specify the perspective associations by which the scorecard objects are to be filtered.
    4. In the Filter pane: Performance tab, specify the performance criteria (status, score, or ranking) by which the scorecard objects are to be filtered.
    5. In the Filter pane: Ownership tab, specify the business owner assignments by which the scorecard objects are to be filtered.
  4. Set smart watchlist properties. To do so, click the Properties toolbar button.
  5. Manage the smart watchlist, as appropriate. For more information on managing a watchlist, see "Watchlists".
  6. Click Save. In the Save As dialog, you can rename the smart watchlist rather than use the default name.