TCC Menu Bar

The TCC menu bar gives access to file utilities, a report viewer, window utilities, and the help system.


  • New

    New Configuration Wizard: Opens a blank configuration specification in the editor.

    New Import Wizard: Opens a blank import specification in the editor.

    New Export Wizard: Opens a blank export specification in the editor.

    New Profile Wizard: Opens a blank console profile in the editor.

  • Open

    Configuration: Opens a browser to select an existing configuration specification to open in the editor.

    Import: Opens a browser to select an existing import specification to open in the editor.

    Export: Opens a browser to select an existing export specification to open in the editor.

    Console Profile: Opens a browser to select an existing console profile to open in the editor.

    Configuration Board: Opens the Default Configuration Board in the editor.

  • Close

    Closes the active file in the editor.

  • Close All

    Closes all files in all editors.

  • Save

    Saves the active file with the same name in the same folder.

  • Save As...

    Opens a browser window to save the active file in a specific folder as a specific file name.

  • Exit

    Closes Taleo Connect Client.


  • Schedule monitoring...

    Opens the Schedule Monitoring Report. The report lists the Scheduled processes, the next expected run date, and the last run status and date.


  • Open Perspective




  • Show View

    • Basic

    • Client

    • Document

    • General

    • Help

    • Message

  • Preferences

    • Client

      Product Integration Packs root folder*: The path of the root folder where the product Integration Packs are installed. This value is saved in the TaleoConnectClient.ini file.

      *Take note that system property will override the TaleoConnectClient.ini property.

    • Client>Design

      Sample CSV viewer: CSV file editor that opens during sample CSV file creation. Microsoft Excel is the editor by default.

      Maximum depth of the entity tree: Advanced setting, do not change value unless directed by Oracle Support.

    • Client>Runtime

      Monitoring auto-refresh rate (seconds): Advanced setting, do not change value unless directed by Oracle Support.

      Number of files to keep in monitoring history: Advanced setting, do not change value unless directed by Oracle Support.

    • Console

      Advanced settings, do not change values unless directed by Oracle Support.

    • General

      Advanced settings, do not change values unless directed by Oracle Support.

    • Help

      Advanced settings, do not change values unless directed by Oracle Support.

    • Restore Defaults

      Restores all setting to their default values.

    • Apply

      Applies new settings to Taleo Connect Client.


  • Help Contents

    Opens the online help window.

  • About Taleo Connect Client

    • Feature Details: Opens a list of TCC features.

    • Plug-in Details: Opens a list of installed plug-ins.

    • Configuration Details: Displays the TCC configuration details.