Password Policy Options

Password policy options can be set in the following places:

  • Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Internal Career Sections

  • Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > External Career Sections

  • Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Agency Portals

Password policy options can only be applied globally to a Career Section type.

Password Policy Options
Allow a password to be valid for X days (leave the field empty and passwords will not expire)
When a password change is required, prevent the reuse of the previous X passwords
Require passwords that contain at least X characters
Require passwords that contain at least X characters
Require passwords that contain no more than X characters
Require passwords that contain at least X letters of the Roman alphabet
Require passwords that contain at least X lowercase letters of the Roman alphabet
Require passwords that contain at least X uppercase letters of the Roman alphabet
Require passwords that contain at least X numeric characters
Require passwords that contain at least X characters other than letters and numbers (! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; <=> ? @ [ ] _ ` { | } ~)
Require passwords that contain no more than X identical consecutive characters
Require passwords that do not contain the user's first name
Require passwords that do not contain the user's last name
Require passwords that do not contain the corresponding user name
Require passwords that do not contain the user's email address