
A callout is a small window or bubble containing information on an element.

Callouts are available throughout the application. To see information contained in a callout, users must place their mouse over the element.

No configuration is required for the callouts. If a user has access to a specific area based on permissions and that area has a callout, the user will be able to see the callout. If there is content that the user cannot see based on the user's permissions and the callout behavior, the field label will be displayed, but the field will be blank. For example, if a user does not have the permission to see the name of internal candidates, the user will still have access to the callout, but the name will show as blank for internal candidates.

The table presents callouts available in the product, fields available in each callout, where the callout is used, and if field security level and availability are taken into consideration.

Callout Fields in the Callout Where the Callout is Used Security Level/Field Availability Impact
Attendee Callout First Name, Last Name, Home Phone, Cellular Phone, Work Phone, Email. In the Schedule an Interview tool. None
CSW Callout Step Name, Step Information. In the Change Step and Status screen of the requisition-specific candidate list. None
Requisition Callout - Small Requisition Title (with an hyperlink to the file), Requisition ID, Activated Languages, Activated Features (such as ACE Alert, Daily Recruiting Report, Urgent Need, Prevent Posting). In the Requisitions list and Tasks list (in the Requisition column). For security reasons, the requisition callout on the Tasks list will show the callout. However, there will be no access to the requisition for all tasks that are in the Approve Requisition or Approve Offer status for any users. The user can get access to view a PDF of the requisition from within the Approval screen. None
Requisition Callout - Large Requisition Title (with an hyperlink to the requisition file), Requisition ID, Status, Recruiter, Status Details, Hiring Manager, Primary Location, Requisition Type, Hired Candidates, Offers Accepted, Activated Languages, Activated Features (such as ACE Alert, Daily Recruiting Report, Urgent Need, Prevent Posting), Department. In the Requisition Selector of the Match Candidates to Requisitions feature, the Offers list (in the Requisition column), the Requisition Title on the Candidate Job Submission page, the Requisition Title on the Candidate All tab (when grouped by Requisition). None
Candidate Callout Candidate Name (with an hyperlink to the file), Home Phone, Cellular Phone, Work Phone, Email. In the Tasks list (in the Candidate column), the Offers list (in the Candidate column), the Search Results list, the requisition-specific candidate list, the Candidates list, the candidate submission list. Field security level permissions and field availability are taken into consideration.
Candidate Comment Callout Comment content. In the candidate file History tab. None
Requisition Comment Callout Comment content. In the requisition file History tab. None
Task Callout Task name (with an hyperlink to the file), Task Type, Assignment Date, Owner. In the Tasks list (in the Task column). None
Task Comment Callout Comment content. In the Tasks list (in the Comment column). None
Submission Active/Inactive Callout Requisition Title (with an hyperlink to the file), Step/Status, Comment. In the candidate card of the candidate file. The requisition title viewing permission is ignored; only submissions the user can see will be listed.
List Format Callout List format information. In the Requisitions list, the Mini Requisition list, the requisition-specific candidate list, the All Candidate by Requisition list, the All Candidates by Folder list, the All Candidates by Offer list, the quick search results list, the advanced search results list, the candidate capture/possible duplicates list of automatically pooled candidates. None
Message Template Callout Message title, information, structure. In the Send Correspondence feature, when selecting a message template. None
Message Paragraph Callout Paragraph title, preview of paragraph body (in active language). In the Send Correspondence feature, when the message template selected contains many paragraphs. None
Group Callout User Name, Employee ID, Job Title, Email, Department. In the Requisitions list, the Candidates list, the Offers list. None
Create Candidate Callout For job-specific submission: Selected Language, Selected Requisitions. For general profile: Selected Language, Folder location and name. In the Create a Candidate feature. None
Create Candidate Flow Description Callout Create candidate flow title and description. In the Create a Candidate feature when selecting a candidate file creation template. None
Most Advanced Progression Status Callout Requisition Title (with an hyperlink to the file if the user has the required permission), Requisition ID, Status, date when moved into that status. In the Candidates list, in the Most Advanced Progression Status column. If a user does not have the permission to see the Most Advanced Requisition, the hyperlink to the requisition will not be available.
Disqualification Question Explanation Callout Disqualification Question Explanation Title, Disqualification Question Explanation Comment. In the Disqualification Questions library (Detailed mode), the requisition file and the candidate submission. None
User Information Callout First Name, Last Name, Title (of user), ID (of user), Email Address, Work Phone Number, Extension, Fax Number. In the User Selector available in the Share Candidate feature, Request Approval feature and Request Contribution feature. None
Requisition Template Callout Requisition Template Title, Job Code, Status, Requisition Type, User Group, Recruiter. In the Requisition Template Selector when selecting a template for a requisition file. None
Requisition Template List Callout Requisition Template Title, Activated Languages. In the Requisition Templates library. None
Attachment Callout Candidate Name, Job Specific Attachments, Other Attachments. In the Candidates lists. Users must have the Access Attachments tab permission to see the callout.
Primary Location Callout Primary Location, Country, State/Province, Region, Address, City, Zip/Postal Code. In the left pane of requisitions and requisition templates. None
Screening Description Callout Screening Description. In the job submission Screening block. None