Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider

Single Sign-On (SSO) in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition is accomplished through the use of SAML (version 2.0). SAML provides a mechanism to exchange authentication and authorization data between two trusting entities.

In a generic SAML context, the entities are:

  • The Asserting party (or SAML authority)

  • The Relying party (or SAML requester)

In an SSO context, the Asserting party is the Identity Provider (IdP) and the Relying party is the Service Provider (SP). The Identity Provider is the customer's SAML federation server (OIF, ADFS etc.) and the Service Provider is the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition application.

A trust relationship is established between the Identity Provider and the Service Provider. The Service Provider trusts the information received from the Identity Provider. The information sent is called the SAML assertion. It contains the identity of the user that has been authenticated by the IdP. Upon receiving the assertion, Oracle grants the appropriate level of access to resources, based on the identity of the user.