Message Templates Related to Security

Message templates related to security are located in the Configuration menu, under Security.

Message Template Description Recipient To Field Content
Forgot Password Indicates that the password change request was received and provides the user the access code needed to change his/her password. User account email address (user trying to do a forgot password). {Other.UserEmail}
Password Change Instructions Indicates that the password change request was received and provides a step-by-step procedure on how to change the password. User account email address (user trying to do a forgot password). {Other.UserEmail}
Password Change Request Indicates to send a new password to a user that was unable to answer his/her password change questions, or did not remember his/her password and had not yet specified questions. Not define by default. Define by the customer. (Email probably sent to an administrator). PLEASE ENTER A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS
Standard Notification for a Successful Network Data Synchronization Indicates that the synchronization of a specific element with the network database was successfully completed. Logged user email address (user who requested the synchronization task). {NdaSynchronizationInfoFields.emailAddress}
Standard Notification for an Unsuccessful Network Data Synchronization Indicates that the communication with the network database could not be established and that the synchronization of a specific element could not be performed. Logged user email address (user who requested the synchronization task). {NdaSynchronizationInfoFields.emailAddress}
Standard notification - User Account Information Provides information on how to log into the application (user name, access code, URL address). User account email address (user on which the action is done). {AccountCreationFields.EmailAddress}
Standard notification for a candidate account confirmation Indicates that a candidate account was created and how to log into the application (user name, access code, URL address). User account email address (user on which the action is done). {AccountCreationFields.EmailAddress}
Standard notification for a Password Reset Indicates that the user password was reset and how to specify a new password. User account email address (user on which the action is done). {PasswordResetInfoFields.EmailAddress}
Standard notification for a registration Indicates that an account was created and how to access it using a user name and access code. User account email address (user on which the action is done). {AccountCreationFields.EmailAddress}