Multilingual Deployment

Below are items worty of note for multlingual deployments and system behavior.

Requisition Search: When using the search within a requisition, the system will always try to search using the user's Recruiting Center session language. If a requisition is not translated into the User's Recruiting Center session language, then the search criteria used will be empty and the results will have no bearing on the requisition used to conduct the search. To work past this, users should ensure that requisitions are translated into their application language if they are looking to use the "Search from this requisition" feature.

Language Fallback: Currently, there is no graceful fallback for the data presented to users when it is not available in their preferred language. This will impact customers with multilingual deployments where managers and candidate language preferences are not the same or jobs are created for managers but not in that manager's language preference (extreme edge case).

Here are two examples to illustrate this point as well as guidance on how to resolve it:

Scenario 1: Candidate data presented in PDF to share recipient during share function.

If a candidate applies in Japanese and the share sender's content language preference is English, the share file generated as well as all labels will be in English. Data for the submission file will be unilingual and will render for the user in English for selector fields and Japanese for text fields (this means things like resume text, cover letter text, work experience and education will come through fine). However, any profile based multilingual text and text area fields will not render for the user. This means for example that if the candidate has entered data into a candidate UDFs text field, it will not render to the share recipient if sent by an English content language share sender.

To work past this: If the share sender is sending a Japanese candidate submission and wants the data to be rendered in Japanese to the share recipient, he/she should change his/her content language preference under My Setup to Japanese prior to conducting the share action.

Scenario 2: Offer approval request for offer created in user's preferred correspondence language.

If an offer is created in English but a user's access language for the file is French based on the defined rules, fields which are multilingual text and text area will be missing data when it is routed for approval to that user when conducting an approval via eShare. For example, compensation text fields would be impacted by this.

To work past this: Customers should ensure that the approver's preferred message content language or Recruiting Center logged in language matches the language in which the offer exists (depending on how the user is conducting his/her approval). Users can update their user preference or login using the right language if needed to view offer data and regenerate the PDF if there is a mismatch.