Online Tour Creation Guidelines

Customers should evaluate the content of the online tours to determine if it is appropriate given the context of their own deployment. For customers choosing to deploy their own custom online tours, here are some guidelines about what to consider when building this material:

  • Focus on the minimum information a new user needs to know in the first few hours of using the product. The concepts have to be focused; otherwise, the online tours will fail.

  • Keep each online tour under one minute in length so as to not lose the user's attention.

  • Retention of concepts is significantly improved if a user can try to do immediately afterwards what the online tour was explaining. Use the Taleo Proficiency "See It and then Try It" mode to let the user try what they have just seen.

  • Online tours are not eLearning tutorials. eLearning tutorials provide steps to achieve something. If you want to include true eLearning in the Online Tours section, we recommend that you clearly distinguish your online tours content from more in depth eLearning content, and present the online tours content first. Then, use the online tours to explain concepts and prompt users awareness of some issues. Use eLearning content to provide the additional details that are not in the online tour.

  • Neither online tours nor eLearning tutorials should be designed to "replace" user manuals or online help. These mediums are not useful for reference. They cannot be indexed or searched. Users tend not to reflect on information presented in video format, but to act on it. So present information in this medium that aligns with this format.