
The print functionality allows Recruiting Center users to create a PDF version of a requisition file or candidate file and to print the PDF.

The print function is available in the candidates list and requisitions list as well as within candidate files and requisition files. When using the print function, users can decide to print the content in a list format where information is presented in different columns, or they can choose to print the details of the file where content is presented into sections.

  • When users are printing the content in a list format, the content of the file is presented in different columns and the content of each file is displayed in a row. The format of the list (that is, the columns used to display the information) is identical to the requisition or candidate list format used. A maximum of 1000 lines can be printed in the list.

  • When users are printing the details of the file, all sections of the file or only specific sections can be printed. For example, a user can choose to print from a candidate file only prescreening and basic profile information. Sections selected by a user when using the print function are saved as defaults for the next print action, but blocks selected within the main submission file section are not. Also, sections available to a user are based on how the file is configured and on user permissions. This means, if a system administrator wanted to allow users to more precisely control what is printed, the administrator can do this by increasing the sections in the file layout. For candidate files, a maximum of 50 files can be printed. For requisition files, a maximum of 15 files can be printed.

When printing candidate files:

  • Attachment content is included within the generated PDF, along with the candidate information. When clicking the Print icon, users can select the type of attachments they wish to include in the generated PDF. These attachments are part of the generated PDF, along with the candidate information. Three options are available: Most recent flagged resume, Visible by candidate (Excludes flagged resume), Not visible by candidate (Excludes flagged resume).

  • A Table of Contents is available in the generated PDF so that users can easily navigate through the candidate files. Clicking the Bookmarks icon in the PDF will display the Table of Contents.

  • Print candidate actions are tracked in the candidate file History tab.

When using the print functionality, only fields containing data are visible in the view/print mode; this means fields with no data will not be rendered when printing. The PDF generated by the print function is identical to the data presented to the user for the selected sections while looking at the information in view mode.

When selecting one or several candidate files in a candidates list or requisition-specific candidate list in order to print them, the Submission file is printed. When selecting one or several candidate general profiles in a search results list or folders list, the General Profile file is printed.

Regarding tracking information in the candidate file History tab, the system displays the 1000 most recent tracking items no matter if printing 1 or 50 candidate files. Therefore, if printing one candidate file, the 1000 most recent tracking items are displayed. If printing five candidate files for example, 200 tracking items are displayed per candidate. For a given candidate, when the maximum is reached, the following message is displayed: "The history contains the {0} most recent items".

Note: When printing a candidate file and the Candidate Share mode (Flipbook) is enabled, it is possible to include attachments in the printed document, as long as the user is choosing to print 50 candidates or less. When printing a candidate file and the Candidate Share mode (Flipbook) is not enabled, it is not possible while printing to include the name of candidate facing attached files. Attachments appear in the Attachments tab; they are not part of the candidate file and they are not printed with the file.