Randomized Search Result

The randomized search result feature allows Recruiting Center users to specify that the information contained in the advanced search result list be returned in random order.

The randomized search results feature supports requirements from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and is usually activated only for customers located in the United Stated through protected settings. Randomized search means that candidates displayed in the advanced search result list are picked randomly in the overall list of candidates matching search criteria. An advanced candidate search done with randomization will return a list of 300 candidates or less, but instead of displaying the first 300 candidates, it will display any 300 of the matching candidates, with no predetermined priority, and will sort them based according to the sorting criterion set for the list. Any candidate matching the search criteria can be returned.

In the Recruiting Center, the Random results option is disabled when users perform a Conceptual Search. In previous releases, when the Random results option was selected in the Advanced Candidate Search page and the number of matches was higher than the limit of returned results, the system returned a random set of results from the matching set (and the resulting set was sorted by relevancy). This is not an issue when search criteria are specific and the result set is small. However, when performing a Conceptual Search or a very broad search (using related terms, for example), the result set might be quite large and the Random results option might provide poor quality results:
  • When performing a conceptual search, the Random results option is turned off.

  • When using the "find candidates matching a job requisition" feature (available in the requisition file toolbar) or the "find similar candidates" feature (available in the candidate file toolbar), the Random results option is turned off.

Note: The Random results option continues to be available for both the Exact term and Related Terms keyword search. For customers who have the Search Randomize Enabled setting set to Yes, the Random results option will be selected by default for both the Exact term and Related Terms keyword search. In these types of search, if the number of matches is higher than the limit of returned results, the system will return a random set of results from the matching set. Conceptual Search analyzes a relatively large amount of text when performing a broad match against the candidate database. As such, this type of search is used to discover hard-to-find candidates and is not a tool to exclude candidates. The search results from a Conceptual Search only make sense when they are ranked in order of relevancy and as such is incompatible with the Random results option.