Self-assigned Task

A self-assigned task is a task users create for themselves.

Recruiting Center users can select a candidate file, create a self-assigned task to act on at a later time, and activate a reminder to ensure the task is completed on time. The self-assigned task feature is also available while changing the step of a candidate.

For example, let say that you want to call the candidate John Doyle by the end of the week to invite him for an interview the following Monday. You need to open John Doyle candidate file, create a self-assigned task (for example "Confirm Monday's Interview") and set a reminder for Friday. On Friday morning, you will receive an email message reminding you to call John to see if he is available for an interview the following Monday. The email message contains a link that you can click in order to access all the information regarding this task. Then, in your list of tasks, click on the task regarding John Doyle to obtain details regarding this task as well as information regarding the candidate and the requisition he applied to. Look at John's phone number in his candidate file and can call him to invite him for the interview. When the task is completed (i.e., you phoned John), you simply need to indicate that the task is completed by selecting the Completed status. The Confirm Monday's Interview task is no longer displayed in the Tasks list.

A self-assigned task can also be created for several candidate files. For example, you could have a pre-filtered lists of candidates that are to be phone screened and create a single self-assigned task to perform an initial phone screen. The system automatically creates a separate self-assigned task for each candidate that was selected.

Self-assigned tasks can only be viewed by their creator. They cannot be redirected to delegates or transferred to a new user taking over.

Reminders are sent daily and users receive them in the morning (according to the appropriate time zone).

Self-assigned tasks are not reportable; reports showing self-assigned tasks cannot be created.