Similar Candidate Search

Recruiting Center users can look for similar candidates based on information of an existing candidate.

This type of search (often referred to as "more like this" search) can be performed from a candidate list or from within a candidate file by using the Find Similar Candidates icon.

The "find similar candidates" search uses the candidate file, which includes the fields used in the Conceptual Search, as the search criteria.

In addition to this information, the system uses default values for the Last Update and all the underlying search parameters applied in the Conceptual Search. The candidate's location is ignored because the system cannot assume you want to search for the current candidate location. You can, however, direct the "find similar candidates" search in your preferences to use your default search location. The 2,500 character limitation that applies to the Conceptual Search does not apply to the "find similar candidates" search. The Last Update value and Place of Residence (location) are user preferences that can be defined in My Setup.

Performing a "find similar candidates" search using a candidate file that contains no information in any of the list of fields used in the Conceptual Search retrieves no candidates and even displays a message informing the end user that the selected candidate cannot return any candidate. A candidate selected as a reference for a Conceptual Search must have significant text information, like an attached resume or a plain text pasted resume.

The "find similar candidates" search can be performed for one candidate file at a time.

The "find similar candidates" is available for all types of job submissions, including hourly candidate job submissions.