Creating a User-defined Form

The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

  1. Click Create.
  2. Provide a code, a name, and a page name.
  3. To add a section, position your cursor in an existing section, then click the Insert a Section icon in the Toolbox. A section entitled Default section title is inserted in the form, just below where your cursor was positioned.
  4. To modify a section title, click your mouse on Default section title and make required changes in the Selected Element Properties section.
  5. To add a table, position your cursor in the desired section of the form, then click the Insert a Table icon. A table containing two columns and five rows is inserted in the form.
  6. To add rows and columns, use the tools in the Toolbox.
  7. To add text, position your cursor in a cell then click the Insert Text in the Selected cell icon to place a text area onto the form. Then, in the Selected Element Properties section, in the Value field, use the rich text editor to add formatting, graphics, links, etc.
  8. To add fields, select a field in the Field Chooser list, then drag and drop it in the desired section.
  9. To edit the properties of a field, select the field then scroll to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom of the form.
  10. To add a page, click Add Page.
  11. Click Save.

The form appears in the User-defined Forms list and its status is Draft.