External Service Request Tasks and Results in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center

The Onboarding (Transitions) Center displays details of external service request tasks passed to a partner using Oracle Validated Integration (OVI).

An external service request is the whole "conversation" between the Taleo Oracle process and the external service provider, on behalf of a candidate or employee. Each time either side contacts the other during this whole task, it is part of the overall request. Even after the final results have been passed to the Taleo Oracle system from the service provider, the Onboarding (Transitions) Center user can still view the details of this request, and can choose to visit the partner to view every available detail. All of this is associated with the single request.

Provided users have the corresponding user type permissions, the Onboarding (Transitions) Center provides information about external service tasks involved in Onboarding (Transitions) processes. Such tasks are displayed along with the other tasks in the Tasks section. An External Service Request section appears on the task details page of a task associated with an external service provider. That section shows details of the data exchange between Onboarding (Transitions) and the provider, including message parameters and the current status of the task as defined by the partner (who can have any number of statuses in any sequence).

Each partner is certified based on the unique capabilities and strengths of the services it offers. Contact your Onboarding (Transitions) administrator and/or partners for more information.

Request Fields

Information on the task details page includes request fields and result fields. Details vary by request. Input information is also displayed and varies by task.

Request Field Name Description
Name Name of the external service provider.
Service Name of the service.
Status Any of the predefined statuses for OVI requests used by Oracle Taleo for its partners. These values originate from the Provider status sent to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition in the OVI exchange.
Provider Status Value passed to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition from the external service involved in the OVI exchange. This value is mapped to the appropriate Oracle Taleo status.
Request Date Date when the request to the service provider was initiated for this candidate/new hire for this process. Additional processes for the candidate/new hire will have different Request dates.
Last Activity Date Date of the most recent communication.
Results Expiration Date Date after which the results should not be relied upon according to the service provider. This date is calculated by the service provider if a validity period was configured for the service. The date is the date the results are received by Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition plus the validity period. For example, if the results were received on September 15th and the validity period was 30 days, the Results Expiration Date would be October 15th.

This date is important for any future attempts to connect to the provider on behalf of the candidate or employee to request the service. If an external service request task obtained In Progress status before the expiration date, the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition system would not contact the partner to resubmit the request. Instead, the existing results would used, thereby saving money for the customer. If the external service request task obtained In Progress status after the expiration date of the previous request's results, a new request would be sent.

Reference Number (Internal) A unique identification number used by Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition to identify a particular OVI request. Oracle Support typically uses this number in the OVI Console.
Reference Number (External) A unique identification number used by the service providers to identify a particular OVI request.

Parameters Used

The Parameters Used section displays parameters configured by the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator when building the process.


The Results section displays all the results received by Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition from the external service provider for the request. Result fields usually include a More Details link, which opens a new browser window. Onboarding (Transitions) Center users can then visit the external service provider's Web site to view documents and additional information (such as error messages and detailed sub-statuses) about the request.

Request Statuses

Every external service task displays its current status. The following Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition request statuses can be selected from the Status field:
  • Service scheduled

  • Candidate didn't answer email within set time

  • Partner didn't respond within set time

  • Declined by candidate

  • Acknowledged by provider

  • Waiting for provider response

  • Unable to process

  • Completed

  • Canceled

  • In progress