Managing Social Channels

You should have an existing account with social networking sites Facebook or Twitter.

If not, you can use this module to sign up for accounts.

[Sourcing] Administrator or recruiter login > [Home page] User Settings (Name) > Manage My Channels
  1. Already connected Facebook pages or Twitter accounts display on cards in the social channel management area at the center of the page.
    If you have no Facebook pages or Twitter Accounts, you can create accounts by following the steps below.
    If no pages or accounts are connected (available in the list), you can add pages for your existing pages or accounts by following the steps below.
  2. To create an account, or to add an account to connect to, click the card for either Add Facebook Page or Add Twitter Account.
    In this example we'll assume you choose to click the Add Twitter Account card.
  3. The Twitter Authorize and Application modal opens.
    1. The modal displays read-only information about Sourcing.
    2. Optional. To create a new Twitter account click the Sign Up for Twitter link, complete the information required on the Join Twitter Today modal, and click Create My Account. Then proceed to substep c.
    3. On the Twitter Authorize an Application modal, enter your Username or Email address, and Password for the Twitter account. Then click Authorize App.

A card for the connected account displays in the social channels management section of the Manage My Social Channels page.

From the Sourcing application you will be able to read tweets from your timeline, see who you follow and follow new people, update your profile, and post Tweets.

You will not be able to access your direct messages, or see your Twitter password.

You can revoke access by the Sourcing application at any time from the Twitter account's Settings page, on the Applications tab.

To remove connected pages or accounts, edit privacy settings, and view your pages, use the applicable card for the already connected account (located in the social channel management area at the center of the page).