Career Portal Pages

Once candidates have accessed the Career Section, they have access to portal pages. A career portal page is a page displayed by clicking either the tabs or the links at the top of the Career Section, below the branding. Career portal pages each represent a specific area of the Career Section.

Career portal pages allow you to customize each Career Section to the specific needs of your organization. Career portal pages are highly configurable. You can choose which career portal pages are displayed for a given Career Section. A set a properties defines each career portal page allowing the customizing of fields, icons etc. to be displayed.

Text in tabs, links, fields and buttons appearing in career portal pages can be changed if the text has a product resource identification number. See Changing the Text of a Field in a Career Portal Page.

The color and formatting of text, color and background color can also be changed via the Theme feature.

Below is a description of each of the career portal pages:

Basic Search page allows candidates to perform basic searches using criteria such as the job number, the job field, the location. Basic Search is the default search type. If Basic Search is not selected, the Advanced Search becomes the default. If Basic Search and Advanced Search are not selected, the All Jobs search becomes the default. If Basic Search, Advanced Search and All Jobs are not selected, My Job page becomes the default and candidates are required to log in.

It is not possible to change the order of search tabs. For example, the Advanced Search tab cannot appear before the Basic Search tab. However, it is possible to disable any search tabs in a Career Section. If all search pages are displayed, the display order is: Basic Search, Advanced Search, Jobs Matching My Profile, All Jobs.

Advanced Search page allows candidates to perform advanced searches using more criteria than the basic search. For example, the job number, the job field, the job type, the job status, the location, the work shift availability, the education level, etc.

Job List page allows for the configuration of standard fields and user-defined fields that are included as columns in job lists. Job lists can be configured for specific Career Sections. This flexibility enables a Career Section to provide a more effective job search for specific candidate pools by displaying the most useful information. The inclusion of user-defined fields allows customer-specific data to be readily available in the list so that candidates do not have to open the job offer to find important details. User-defined fields can be added to job lists, but they cannot be used to sort lists.

Personalized Job List allows candidates, who have completed a job specific application or a general profile, the access jobs that match the preferences they have set in their general profile. Candidates simply need to click the Jobs Matching My Profile link, and they are presented with a list of available jobs. The system administrator can set the criteria that determine when a match is to be made between a job and a candidate; Only jobs meeting all the specified criteria are displayed in the Career Section Jobs Matching My Profile page. If a candidate clicks on the Jobs Matching My Profile tab, the candidate is asked to sign in if he/she has not already signed in. If the candidate has not created a general profile or has not applied to at least one job, he/she does not see any jobs and the following message is be displayed: “You don't have a candidate profile for the moment”.

My Job Cart allows candidates to conduct job searches and select jobs that they wish to place in their job cart for later review.

My Saved Searches allows candidates to select the search criteria they want for a specific job search, run the search, view search results and then save the search.

My Submissions page allows candidates to have access to information (including the job description and job status) regarding all of their applications on job‑specific acquisitions and their draft submissions. Jobs that have been updated since a candidate last visited the site is highlighted. The candidate has the opportunity to complete or withdraw draft submissions, and view or withdraw completed ones. Submission status (in the context of career section work flows) and messaging capability are features available at extra cost to Taleo customers. When the Jobs Matching My Profile page is set to be displayed, if a candidate clicks on the Jobs Matching My Profile tab, the candidate is asked to sign in if he/she has not already signed in. If the candidate has not created a general profile or has not applied to at least one job, he/she does not see any jobs and the following message is displayed: “You don't have a candidate profile for the moment”.

The My Referrals career portal page provides candidates with a single list that brings together all of their respective referrals. The candidates can create draft referrals and complete them at a later time. They can view their past and present referrals and withdraw any of them. The ownership period is configurable.

Job Description allows users to display the job title as an hyperlink in the Career Section. When clicking the link, candidates are brought to a new page containing the complete job description. On this page, candidates are provided a link to go back to the job submission process. Candidates are returned to the page where they were at and the data they entered before clicking the link is still there.

Requisition Balloon page displays a hover callout beside the job title containing a short description of the job. Candidates have the ability to view the job description at any point in time when they apply.

The Search Query Balloon displays a hover callout beside the Basic Search and Advanced Search. This callout contains search criteria of the last search that was performed.

My Account allows candidates to configure the following account options: Personal information such as first name, last name, email address, phone numbers, address, social security number; Login information such as user name, password and security question and its answer; Correspondence preferences.

My Messages allows candidates to access correspondence directly from the secure message center in the Career Section.

Access Management gives access to user-defined labels that can be customized in the following Career Section pages: Sign In page, New User Registration page, Forgot Your Password page, Forgotten User Name page.

Faceted Search allows candidates to perform searches using dynamic search filters (facets). When the Faceted Search is activated, it replaces the existing Basic Search page and Job List page and provides candidates with a robust way to search for jobs. To activate the Faceted Search, the Faceted Search protected setting must be enabled by Oracle Support (Configuration > [Career Section] Settings).