Displaying All Candidate Submissions in the My Referrals Tab

Referrers can see all submissions of a candidate who they referred and who is still active.

Employee referrals works as follows:

  • When a candidate is referred to a job, the referrer can see that candidate's job-specific referral in the career section My Referrals tab as long as the referral is still effective.

  • If a referred candidate is matched to a job, the referrer can only see the referral in the My Referrals tab if the "Matched Candidate Display" option for the referrer is set to "Always" or is based on a step and the candidate had passed that step in the candidate selection workflow.

  • If a referred candidate applied on a job by himself/herself, the referrer can see that referral in the My Referrals tab if the "Display to the referrer submissions for which candidates applied by themselves" option is set to Yes.

The option "Display to the referrer submissions for which candidates applied by themselves" only controls the visibility of the jobs for which a candidate applied; it has no impact on the jobs for which the candidate was matched or referred. Also, this option does not overwrite the Matched Candidate Display setting (Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Matched Candidate Display).

"Matched Candidate Display" setting "Display to the referrer submissions for which candidates applied by themselves" option The referrer will see:
Yes Yes Jobs for which he referred the candidate.

Jobs to which the candidate was matched.

Jobs for which the candidate applied by himself.
No Yes Jobs for which he referred the candidate.

Jobs for which the candidate applied by himself.

Yes No Jobs for which he referred the candidate.

Jobs to which the candidate was matched.

No No Jobs for which he referred the candidate.

Referrers will only see jobs for which the referral is active. Candidates will see jobs in line with how the settings were configured: the candidate's own submissions, the jobs for which a candidate was referred (even if the referral is inactive), the jobs to which a candidate was matched (according to the "Matched Candidate Display" option).