Career Section Settings

A setting is assigned one of the following security levels: Public, Protected, Private.

Security Level Description
Public System administrators can view and change the setting.
Protected System administrators can view the setting, but changes can only be done by Taleo.
Private System administrators cannot view nor change the setting. Only Taleo can view and change the setting.

Career Section Settings
Setting Description Security Level Default Value
Access to "View Email Messages" This setting displays or not the "View Messages" link in the candidate portal and for all candidate portals. Public No
Activate Secure Login When configured to No, candidates' browsers will cache all career pages. When configured to Yes, candidates' browsers will only cache pages from the unauthenticated state. Private Yes
Advanced Logic Draft Submission Activation Allow the administrator to activate the advanced logic for draft submissions. Public No
Always Display Profile Import Services Determines the display of third-party profile import services on the Resume Upload block. If the setting is set to "No", the services are hidden from view when data is present in both the Education block and the Work Experience block. If the setting is set to "Yes", the services are always displayed. Public No
Authentication Page Layout When configured as "horizontal", the sign-in partners section displays to the right of the username and password fields on the Login and New User Registration screens. When configured as "vertical", the sign-in partners section, and other authentication methods, displays below the username and password fields on the Login and New User Registration screens. Public Horizontal
Beacon Interval Time out period setup of the Career Section. The ping frequency of the beacon in milliseconds. Protected 300000
Candidate maximum attachment updates Maximum number of possible candidate attachment updates per period. Protected 5
Career Section Hits Tracking Activation Activate the Career Section hits tracking on the customer zone. Public Yes
Career Section Latest Page Tracking Activation Allow support team to activate tracking on latest page accessed by candidates in the Career Section. Public Yes
Career Section Services Password This setting defines the password used in a special URL that returns the job list or the job description without using any sessions. Public
Career Section Session Timeout for Screening Block The total amount of time (in milliseconds) available to candidates to fill out a screening questionnaire. This setting is used to extend the time available beyond the normal session timeout value of the JVM. Protected 1800000
Career Section URL Redirection Indicates if Career Section links must be redirected to the alternate job list URL when they are generated for an email or for a job board. (Variable {CAREER_SECTION_URL}) Public No
Cross Frame Protection Allowed Domains Lists domains where Career Sections are allowed to be embedded in frames. Enter domains without protocols and pipe-separated. The * wildcard is accepted. Example: *| Public
Default Time Zone Indicates the default time zone for the WebTop. Public
Disable access for candidates not using cookies Blocks candidates without cookie support. Public No
Disqualified Candidates Lock Out Period Disqualification lock out period preventing candidates from returning to their application or profile depending on where the disqualification occurred. Public Allow Always
Employee Referral Program URL URL for the Employee Referral Program within the organization's Web site. Value used in the token {COMPANY_STATIC_PAGE} only for the Referral Acknowledgment letter sent to the candidate. Public
Enable Background Check Consent Disqualification Functions When activated for Background Check Consent, this setting enables candidate disqualification functions. Public No
Enable Customization of Job Submission Statuses This setting enables the administrator to configure messaging to candidates from the "My Jobpage" area of the Career section. Public No
Entry File for Career Section Links Contains the complete path of the HTML file that contains the organization frames and the Taleo frame. Public
Faceted Search Determines whether Faceted search can be enabled for specific career sections. Public No
Full Organization Name Used to specify the organization name that must be used in the Job Application Information email and Correspondence Manager parts of the application. Public en=VIDE5; fr=VIDE5; es=VIDE5; de=VIDE5; it=VIDE5; nl=VIDE5; en-GB=VIDE5; zh-CN=VIDE5; ja=VIDE5; fr-FR=VIDE5
General Profile Duplicate Check Task Assignee Allows system administrators to specify the person who will perform the duplicate check task in the Recruiting Center for candidate general profiles.
Google Structured Data Location Mapping Country The location level configured will use the value from the requisition's location for indexing into Google's location structure of "Country". This setting is optional for the Google indexing feature. Public Not specified
Google Structured Data Location Mapping Locality The location level configured will use the value from the requisition's location for indexing into Google's location structure of "Locality", which is the concept of City. When this setting is configured to "Not Specified", the Google indexing feature will be disabled. Public Not specified
Google Structured Data Location Mapping Postal Code The location level configured will use the value from the requisition's location for indexing into Google's location structure of "Postal Code". This setting is optional for the Google indexing feature. Public Not specified
Google Structured Data Location Mapping Region The location level configured will use the value from the requisition's location for indexing into Google's location structure of "Region", which is the concept of State/Province. When this setting is configured to "Not Specified", the Google indexing feature will be disabled. Public Not specified
Google Structured Data Location Mapping Street Address The location level configured will use the value from the requisition's location for indexing into Google's location structure of "Street Address". This setting is optional for the Google indexing feature. Public Not specified
Invitation To Self-identify Activated Flow for Invitation To Self-identify. Public None
Legal Statement Decline URL URL used to redirect a candidate who declines a legal statement placed before the login page when this candidate needs to log in before seeing the job list. Public
Masking Diversity Question Answers Enables the masking of diversity question answers in Career Sections. Public No
Maximum attempts to attach file period Period during which the maximum number of candidate attachment attempts apply. Protected 30
Message Delete Permission This setting displays or not the "Delete" link for each message in all candidate portals. Public No
Number of Unreceived Pings Before Time Out Time out period setup of the Career Section. Number of missing pings before the session is terminated. Protected 2
Organization Web Address Web site host name of the organization. Home page of the organization, not the Career Section home page. Public
Populate Source Tracking for Employee Referral When the setting is enabled and employees use the Refer a friend feature from within an internal career section, the Source Tracking value on the Job Submission tab of the candidate file is automatically filled with the “Our Employee” value. This feature applies to both general profile and job-specific requisition referrals by employees.

The source does not have to be configured as In Profiler and In Requisition.

The source does not have to be configured as an active source on the requisition.

Only source code REF-12 can be used with this feature; it cannot be used with sources configured by customers.

This feature is not associated in any way with referrals made through Sourcing.

Public No
Profile Import Partner Availability Apply With LinkedIn Activated, the Apply With LinkedIn service is exposed in Configuration for a customer to configure and enable. Deactivated, it is not displayed in Configuration. If deactivated after prior activation, historic configuration is stored. Public Yes
Propagate Username in Login Pages Automatically propagate the username when the user browses through the login pages (login, registration, forgotten password, forgotten username etc.). Public Yes
Request More Info Active Activated Flow for Request More Information Public None
Resume Parsing Languages and Scope Indicates the content languages allowed in a flow to extract and display data from a resume file, using the resume upload function. Protected en*,1
RSS Feed Activation Activate the RSS feed feature on the customer zone. Public No
Session Maximum Inactive Interval Time out period setup of the Career Section. Maximum inactive interval, in milliseconds, for a user before his session is terminated. Protected 3600000
Session Time Out Reminder Interval Time out period setup of the Career Section. Time in milliseconds before session timeout reminder is displayed. Protected 1200000
Show Explicit Login Error Messages Specifies if the error messages returned by the system identify whether the user ID or password was incorrect. Public No
Technical Help Information Type Indicates the type of information used to explain how to get technical help. Public None