Assessment Properties, Settings, and Fields in Recruiting Administration

The table presents the properties, settings, and fields used to configure Assessment in the Recruiting Administration.

Assessment Property Description Location
Name Name of the assessment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Description Description of the assessment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Provider Name Name of the provider. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Provider Description Description of the provider. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Type Type of screening service. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Status Status of the assessment. Possible values are Active, Inactive. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Code Code given to the assessment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit

Assessment Setting Description Location
Validity Period The validity period is the number of days that an assessment result is valid.

If a candidate takes an assessment after the validity period, a request is made to the Assessment Authoring Center for an assessment. The Assessment Authoring Center will respond based on the behavior of the assessment configured in the Assessment Authoring Center. It is a best practice to use the setting "Defined by user" with a date range specified that will not exceed the validity of the assessment.

Possible values are:

  • Always valid: The results for a particular version received by Recruiting will remain valid for the life of the candidate. If the candidate applies to another position with the same version attached to the requisition, the candidate will NOT be presented with the Screening block in the application process.

  • Defined by user: This is similar to Always valid by a time frame from when the assessment was completed is entered. A recruiter can therefore specify how long before a candidate would be required to retake an assessment.

  • Defined by partner: The Screening block is always presented to candidates. When they click the link to take the assessment the Assessment application will determine, based on the assessment author's criteria, if they are allowed to retake it. If not, they are presented with a message indicating that they have already completed the assessment.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Candidate must answer email within (in hours) Time frame in hours in which the candidate has to take an assessment. The assessment must be completed in the time frame specified. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
This service is mandatory for new requisitions and for those updated while in "Draft" status

If this setting is activated, the Assessment is mandatory on the requisition file, meaning that it is preselected in the Screening section and cannot be removed.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Access this service through the browser full-screen mode If using pop-up assessment delivery, this setting determines that the browser ignores the latest defined pop-up size and instead presents the assessment in full screen mode. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Client Identifier Name to identify the company as a customer. This value must be identical to the value defined in the Assessment Authoring Center. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit
Delay to wait before timing out a request (in hours) When a request times out the system will no longer try to receive a candidate assessment summary. The assessment author should be consulted if requests are not being completed.

A higher value gives candidates more time to take and complete an assessment. Once a request expires, Recruiting will NOT accept results for this assessment.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > [Properties] > Edit

Assessment Input Field Description Location
Version The assessment version is selected by Recruiting Center users in the Screening block of the requisition.
The properties of the input field are:
  • Code: The internal name of the input field. The code is a read-only property.

  • Name: The label of the field in the requisition file. For example, Assessment Version.

  • Domain: The type of field. The domain is a read-only property.

  • Mandatory: If the service definition specifies the field as being mandatory, then the input field will always be mandatory. If the service definition specifies the field as optional, then you can configure the field as being either mandatory or optional. For example, if the input field is mandatory, then in the Recruiting Center, the Assessment Version field in the requisition file Screening block will have a red asterisk to indicate that the field must be completed.

  • Default Value: Assessment displayed by default in the requisition file.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Input Fields > Version [Properties] > Edit

Assessment Result Field Description Location
Band The band is the candidate global band. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Result Fields > Band
Details This is the label of the Details link displayed in the candidate job submission, under the Screening block. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Result Fields > Details
DetailsUrl This is the label for the URL used to request the interview guide (if enabled) from the Assessment application. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Result Fields > DetailsUrl
Exceptional No global bands have been denoted as "Exceptional". This value will always be "No" and is not relevant to the assessment interpretation. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Result Fields > Exceptional
Passed A status of "Yes" indicates that the candidate received a passing green or yellow global band. Passed status of "No" indicates that the candidate received a failing red global band. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Result Fields > Passed
Score The score is the candidate's global score. It is best to focus on the global band and dimension bands rather than the global score. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Result Fields > Score

Assessment User-Defined Form Description Location

Capture of input fields

This is where you define how the Assessment Version field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in Edit mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > User-defined Forms

Display of input fields

This is where you define how the Assessment Version field (input field) will appear in the requisition file in View mode. You can define elements such as the field type (drop-down list, radio button) and if the field is mandatory.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > User-defined Forms

Display of result fields

This is where you define how the Assessment results fields will appear in the candidate submission. Available fields are: Band, Details, Exceptional, Interview Guide, Passed, Score.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > User-defined Forms

Display of result set fields

This is used only for those external partners whose certification includes result set fields. Assessment does not use this kind of fields. Therefore, nothing to configure here.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > User-defined Forms

Assessment Label Description Location
Service Name This is the name of the service. Default value:

Assessment (AAWT)

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels
Label 1 Default value:

We would like you to provide additional information that will help us evaluate your qualifications for the job.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels
Label 2 Default value:

Therefore, we invite you to fill out an online assessment questionnaire. This process occurs in another window. You must answer all questions in a page before clicking Next.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels
Label Before Link to Service Default value:

Do not use the browser's Back or Forward buttons to view previous or following questions. If you do so, you will lose all the information you have entered.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels
Link to Service Default value:

Fill out the assessment questionnaire

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels
Tooltip for Link to Service Default value:

Access the assessment questionnaire

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels
Label 3 Default value:

After completing the questionnaire, you will automatically return to this page.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Labels

Assessment CSW Action Description Location
Workflow The action will take place when a candidate uses the specified workflow. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessments > CSW Actions
Step The action will take place when the specified step is reached or later if the status criteria is not yet met. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessments > CSW Actions
Status The candidate must have this status when they reach the selected step or the action will not take place until this status is reached. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessments > CSW Actions
Action Send Online Screening Assessment Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessments > CSW Actions
Phase The phase is used with the candidate selection workflow (CSW). If a certain step/status is reached in the CSW, then the system can send out a Phase request to the partner (like perform additional assessment for the candidate after the candidate reached a certain step in the CSW). Phases are not used with Assessment. Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessments > CSW Actions

Assessment Message Template Description Location

Message template (internal candidate)

Message templates are used either when the recruiter manually requests an assessment for a candidate, or when a candidate decides on the Career Section to receive an email with a link to the Assessment service instead of taking the assessment immediately during the submission process. A message template is selected for internal candidates.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Correspondence

Message template (external candidate)

Message templates are used either when the recruiter manually requests an assessment for a candidate, or when a candidate decides on the Career Section to receive an email with a link to the Assessment service instead of taking the assessment immediately during the submission process. A message template is selected for external candidates.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Screening Services > Assessment > Correspondence