Copy/Move Artifacts

Copy/Move Artifacts allows an OBI tenant administrator to copy or move artifacts (folders, analyses, etc) from one tenant (zone) to another, and to delete artifacts.

This feature is designed for ease of use when moving artifacts between production and staging zones.

Actions are performed from the left panel to the right panel, so a folder or artifact selected in the left panel will be moved to the destination folder selected in the right panel. When a folder is moved all items in the folder, including other folders, are moved. The company shared folder cannot be moved, copied, or deleted, but it can be selected as a destination folder.

Objects can only be deleted from the left panel.

When moving artifacts between zones, be cognizant that some artifacts take the parent role and are made up of, or include child artifacts. For example, some analyses may include named filters; alerts can include dashboard pages, analyses or named conditions; dashboard can include analyses, dashboard filters, action menus, etc. The administrator must be mindful to move all child objects with parent objects and some parent object connections to children may need to be reestablished if the integrity of the folder structure for child objects does not remain intact. For example, if a dashboard's child objects are located in my company shared > analyses > dashboard analyses folder, they must be moved to the folder in the same folder path. Parent objects can be moved anywhere.

Artifacts with the same name cannot be included in the same location. For example if zone 1 and zone 2 already have a my company shared > recruiting folder the system will not allow you to overwrite zone 2's recruiting folder with zone 1's recruiting folder. This action can be completed if zone 2's recruiting folder is deleted, or if you copy into a different subdirectory such as my company shared > recruiting2.

If you attempt to copy a folder or file that would be a duplicate an error message will inform you that the action was not completed.