Career Section Properties

Element Description
Code The code must be unique. Career Section codes must not include multi-byte characters. This is because the code forms part of the URL and multi-byte characters in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition URLs are not supported.
Name The name must be unique and cannot be used for any other career section.
Description A brief description of the Career Section.
  • External

  • Internal

  • Agency Portal

  • Onboarding Portal

Use anchor on refresh When the option is enabled, if candidates make a change that causes the system to update the page that is currently displayed, the system refreshes the page but the candidates remain on the same section of the updated page.
Enable the radius search Allows candidates to search for jobs based on their zip/postal code. Your organization must be using Work Locations to support radius search.

If you enable this feature for a Career Section, candidates can enter a zip/postal code and specify the distance from the work location for which they want to search (i.e., 1 to 100 miles or kilometers). Candidates then select a work location (only work locations that contain posted requisitions are displayed). The system then presents the positions available in the selected work location. Each work location is displayed as a hyperlink. When candidates click a hyperlink, a window opens containing a Google map of the work location address. Radius searches are completed using the zip/postal code associated with the work location. If the work site zip/postal code is not recognized or the geocoder service is unavailable at time of query, the system will use the associated RSLocations coordinates instead of the work locations zip/postal code.

Taleo recommends implementing this feature when multiple work locations are concentrated in a single geographic area as well as for audiences where location is an important driver in employment (for example, hourly). The radius search can be used globally (it is not only for US locations).

Sequence Before redirecting a candidate coming from a job specific URL (from a job board, a job posting notification, etc.) to a career section, the system first evaluates the career sections in order of sequence number from lowest to highest.
Display links allowing to withdraw submissions in the My Submissions page and in the My Referrals page Displays the Withdraw link in the My Submissions page and My Referrals page to allow a candidate to withdraw a job submission.
Display the link allowing to deactivate the account in the My account page Displays the Deactivate link in the My Account page to allow the candidate to deactivate his or her account.
Enable the RSS feature Real Simple Syndication, or RSS, allows candidates to receive a notification for jobs corresponding to their job search criteria.
Mobile Career Section You can specify if a career section can be accessed from mobile devices.
Linked Mobile Career Section You can specify if a career section can be accessed from mobile devices.
Display the "Email me a copy" link in the Summary Page Allows candidates to receive a summary of their submission by email.
Display Type If you set the Display Type property to Private, URLs that do not include a precise career section code cannot lead candidates to that career section. The Display Type property can also be used to specify which career sections are not to be excluded when jobs are pulled via an integration process. When customers migrate to a new version, the value (Public or Private) specified for each career section is maintained. When a new external career section is created, the property is set to Public by default. When an internal career section is created, the property is set to Private by default.
Technical Help
Type Content type of the technical help.
Content Content of the technical help.
By default, select this Career Section for posting Specify if you wish this career section to be selected by default when posting a requisition via the Recruiting Center.
Default Posting Start Date Indicate the default posting start date in the Recruiting Center (Requisition > Posting and Sourcing tab > Career Sections > Modify).
Default Posting End Date Indicate the default posting end date in the Recruiting Center (Requisition > Posting and Sourcing tab > Career Sections > Modify).
Display the job posting date in the My Submissions page and in the My referrals page Specify if you wish to display the job posting date in the My Submissions page and the My Referrals page.
Candidate Communication Agent
Display user-defined job submission statuses in the My Submissions page and in the My Referrals page The Candidate Communication Agent must be activated by Oracle Support. This feature enables candidates to view job submission statuses and stay informed of where they are in an application process. You can display links that enable candidates to view their user-defined job submission statuses and the View Email Messages link in the My Submission page.
Display the View Email Messages link in the My Submissions page Allows candidates to see messages relating to their job submissions. Messages can be emails or detailed text regarding the status of their job submissions.
Alternate Job List URL Provides a point of return to the Job List when the candidate clicks Exit, Return to Job, email URL or Forgot Password. See Career Section URL.
Alternate Candidate Profile URL Provides an alternate candidate profile URL. When a candidate clicks on one of the Profile URLs, the alternate profile URL provides an alternate profile link. This will redirect the candidate to any other URL of the standard profiler flow. See Career Section URL.
Application Flows
Job-specific Application Application flow that allows candidates to apply for a specific job.
Candidate Profile Application flow that allows candidate to enter a general profile.
Job-specific Referral Application flow that allows referrers to apply for a specific job on behalf of a candidate.
Candidate Profile - Referral Application flow that allows referrers to enter a general profile on behalf of a candidate.
Application - Agency Application flow displayed when a candidate applies for a job via an agency portal.
Profile - Agency Application flow displayed when candidates complete their profile via an agency portal.
Allow users to delete their attachments Allows candidates to delete attachments from their profile.
Email address used to apply If you enter an email address in the field, candidates will have the ability to apply via email instead of going through the application flow. When a candidate clicks the Apply button, an email browser window containing a pre-populated address opens and the candidate simply submits his/her application via email (instead of going through the online submission process). The candidate can apply for the job while remaining in the same submission page. Once the candidate has completed the email, he/she will remain on the same page of the career section.
Note: This feature applies only to Basic search and Advanced search, not to Faceted Search.
Display a link to the profile in portal pages
Always force this Career Section's job specific application flow If the setting is set to Yes, the current career section's flow is applied when a candidate applies for a job through the career section. Note that if the job is not posted on the current career section, the candidate is unable to edit the submission. If the setting is set to No, the system locates the first available career section (according to Career Section Number and starting with external ones) in which the job is posted and displays that flow to the candidate even if the candidate is visiting another career section.
Levels displayed in the Candidate Profile
Job Field Levels Select the levels you want the system to display in the candidate profile flow. Levels available were configured in SmartOrg.
Location Levels Select the levels you want the system to display in the candidate profile flow. Levels available were configured in SmartOrg.
Organization Levels Select the levels you want the system to display in the candidate profile flow. Levels available were configured in SmartOrg.
Authentication Privacy Agreement
Name In the Name list, select the primary privacy agreement that will be displayed when a candidate visits the career section for the first time. If no privacy agreement is selected (that is, you selected Not Specified in the list), then no agreement is displayed to candidates when they initially log in.
Display dynamically a privacy agreement at the beginning of the job submission flow The privacy agreement will show up at the beginning of a job submission flow.
Display the authentication privacy agreement before Specify where the privacy agreement will appear in the career section. Possible options are before the Login page or the Registration page.
Corporate Brand
Name Corporate brand that will appear in the career section.
Name Theme that will appear in the career section.