
Employee Mapping
Taleo Field Fusion Field
Record Identifier User Name
User Login Name User Name
First Name Worker First Name
Middle Initial Worker Middle Name
Last Name Worker First Name
Employee Number/ID Person Number
Work Phone Worker Work Phone
Extension Worker Work Phone Extension
Email Worker Primary Email Address
Correspondence Language Correspondence Language
Title (multilingual) Worker Primary Assignment Job Name
Address 1 Work Location Address Line 1
Address 2 Work Location Address Line 2
Address 3 Work Location Address Line 3 +  Work Address Line 4
City Work Location Address City
State Work Location Address State
Country Work Location Address Country
Zip/Postal Code Work Location Address Postal Code
Organization Business Unit
Location Work Location
Department Department
Job Role Code EMPLOYEE (hardcoded)
Employee Status CURRENT / TERMINATED (According to employee status in Fusion)
User Account Status User Account Status
Manager Worker’s Manager’s User Name in the superior position
Configuration Profile Hiring Manager / Recruiter (hardcoded)

Any user being a supervisor (someone who has direct reports) will be assigned the Hiring Manager configuration profile. Otherwise, the Recruiting configuration profile is assigned to the user. If the user configuration profile is changed manually in Taleo, there are good chances that Fusion will overwrite it on next user update.

Confirm Profile False (hardcoded)
User Types User Roles