Single Location and Multi-Location Calendar

Users can create calendars with one location or multiple locations.

If selecting Single Location, the user must type the location of the appointment.

If selecting Multiple Location, the user can select up to five locations. The user can search for locations by Location Type (In Person or By Phone), Location Name, or City. Once locations have been selected, they appear in the calendar. Once the calendar is saved, the user can add new locations (up to 5) but cannot remove added locations.

Once the calendar is created, the user must add a timeslot for candidates to be able to book appointments. The user must define timeslots for all locations. On a multi-location calendar, the user must first select the location he wants to add timeslots on (locations are displayed across the top of the calendar. A location is selected by clicking on it. A selected location appears with a green highlighted background. When the appropriate location is selected, the user clicks Add Timeslot.