Creating a New Calendar

Before you start

An Administrator or a user with the Create calendars and Access Scheduling Center user type permission can create a calendar.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Scheduling Center.
  2. In the Calendars page, click Create Calendar.
  3. In the Calendar Properties section, complete the fields.
  4. In the Calendar Location Details section, indicates if the calendar is single location or multiple location.
    1. If selecting Single Location, type the location of the appointment.
    2. If selecting Multiple Location, select the desired locations (maximum is five locations).
  5. In the Additional Locales section, select locales for the calendar and enter location details for each selected language.
  6. Complete each set of field boxes for each selected language.
  7. Choose which language will be the primary locale.
  8. Click Save.


The new calendar appears in the Calendars page.