Branding File

The branding file is a compressed (max of 1MB) file that contains the branding definition of an organization.

The branding definition is defined by an XHTML file and all the required static files (images, CSS, objects).

The compressed (zip) file must contain:
  • an index.html file on the root folder.

  • a Theme folder that includes
    • a CSS folder containing .css files referred by the "index.html" file.

    • an Images folder containing images referred by the "index.html" file. The format of images must be supported by the principal Web browsers. There is no limitation for the type or size of images. However, it is recommended to use .jpg or .gif as they take less space.

    • an Objects folder containing objects (for example, applet classes, Flash animation files) referred by the "index.html" file.

When creating the compressed ("zip") file, the compressed file must not include a folder that contains the "index.html" file and the "theme" folder. To avoid this select the "theme" folder and "index.html" simultaneously and send them to a "zip" file. See Creating a Branding File for detailed steps.

The index.html file must:

  • host the objects (images, CSS, Flash)

  • be XHTML 1.0 Strict coding format for the Web site. This ensures that the HTML codes used to create the Web site follows those standards agreed upon by the World Wide Web Association.

  • include at the beginning of the file
    • <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

  • contain an <insertcontent> tag which is used to insert Taleo content in the page.

  • not include the <insertcontent> tag inside a form tag.

  • declare all the HTML tags with the "" namespace.

  • declare the <insertcontent> tag with the " templates" namespace. For example, <insertcontent xmlns="" />

  • Add the line <insertcontent xmlns= /> to the HTML file for the job-listing section to appear. Without this, the career site will not have a section for the user to look for a job. If using a validator, this line always fails the validation. Please proceed, the upload automatically ignores this statement.

  • Not host the Flash images; Flash files must be hosted separately.

Following simple rules when creating the CSS file will avoid several error messages upon upload:

  • Do not use cap locks.

  • Always use codes for special characters.

  • Do not use global CSS tags. Using CSS definitions on standard HTML tags when creating a branding file can have an impact on the Theme configuration. If the definition of a CSS tag is not the same in the theme and the branding, display problems will occur and Taleo will not have the ability to provide any support. For example, if in a Career Section using branding hyperlinks are black, but in the Career Section‘s theme the hyperlinks are defined as being blue, this situation will cause a conflict. To avoid discrepancies, do not use global CSS style; Taleo recommends adding the name of your organization to the name of the style classes used for branding to avoid any conflict with the style classes set in the Themes.

  • Do not add Flash images in the branding file; Flash files must be hosted separately.

Career Section administrators can update the HTML, cascading style sheets (CSS) and image content of their branding without enlisting the help of Oracle Consulting Services through a statement of work (SOW). They can also create multiple branding files. This is done in the Career Portal Brand page.

Note: Branding files cannot have a .js folder or JavaScript embedded in the index.html file. To display some dynamic content, organizations can use JavaScript provided it is in the form of a branding file extension (not included in the branding file). The JavaScript must be analyzed and approved by Oracle Taleo before it will be enabled. For more information, see Branding with JavaScript.