Style Classes

The system administrator uses style classes to customize the look and feel of the Career Section.

Style classes are assigned to areas or text of the Career Section which can be formatted via the Theme feature.

Configurable elements are:
  • Background and color

  • Text

  • Link

  • Input and Button Control

  • Custom Resource

Text style classes are applied to an element according to a specific hierarchy.
Text Style Class Hierarchy
First level Second Level Third Level
General Font Text Help Text
Legend Text
Search Text
List text
Page Text
Warning Text
Error Text
Message Text
Balloon Text
Subtitle Help Subtitle
Search Subtitle
List Subtitle
Page Subtitle
Label Search Label
List Label
Page Label
Balloon Label
The General font is applied systematically to all text appearing in the Career Section formatted via the theme feature. The style values of this style class cannot be overridden by a child style class and cannot be configured else where in the application.
  • If no style values are set for the third level, then the style values of the second level are applied to the elements.

  • If style values are set for the third level, then the style values of the second level are overridden by the style values of the third level, for the specific element.

For example, if the Text style class is set to be red with a normal weight then
  • If the Legend Text style class is set to be bold, then the text appearing in the legend is red and bold

  • If no style values are set for Error Text style class, then the Text style class values are used in Error Text that is, the text used in Error Text is red with a normal weight.