Application Flow Page Properties

Element Description
Name Name of the page.
Page Title Title appearing in the progress bar box as well as at the top of each page.
Page Header Header that appears in a career section, just above the sentence Required Information is signaled by this indicator. The page header can contain a maximum of 4000 characters and can be formatted using HTML options. A page header may contain an image <img /> tag. A tracking URL can be added to application flow pages via the image tag. Taleo has created three tokens that can be used by the company to track page hit locations: {ApplicationNumber}, {CandidateNumber}, {RandomNumber}. The following URL has spaces for formatting: <img src="https://#/a; variableName={ApplicationNumber}; variableName2={CandidateNumber}; variableName3={RandomNumber}?" width="1" height="1" alt=""/>
Display the Ctrl key for multiple selection hint If you select Yes, the following sentence is displayed in the career section: "Hold down the CTRL key (Command key for Mac) to make multiple selections or to deselect items."
Display the required field hint If you select Yes, the following sentence is displayed in the career section: "Required Information is signaled by this indicator *."
Always display this page if the autofill option is enabled Provided the "Autofill After Initial Submission Enabled" field is set to Yes, a page in the flow can be configured such that if candidates return to an incomplete job application or apply for a new job, the page is always displayed even if it contains no mandatory fields. Activating this setting for a file attachment page, for example, ensures that candidates who return to an incomplete job application have the opportunity to verify which attachments they want to include with the application.