Binding the Disability Question and the UDFs

Before you start

The moment the disability document is enabled (Active status), the diversity question used in the field binding is excluded from the Diversity block. It is therefore recommended to disable the career section where the OFCCP Disability form is available.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Documents

Here's what to do

  1. Click the disability document name.
    To edit the document, its status must be Draft or Inactive.
  2. Click Edit next to Field Binding.
  3. From the Diversity Form list, select the Diversity form you want to associate with the PDF disability form.

    Only the diversity questions in the disability form you select will be available for field binding.

    Once a disability question is used in field binding, this question is no longer presented to candidates on the Diversity form despite the fact that it is part of the questionnaire. Take the case of a Diversity form containing four questions: race, ethnicity, gender and disability. Candidates will see questions 1, 2 and 3 only. Question 4 on disability will be excluded automatically from rendering on the career section in the Diversity block because the question is referenced in the PDF document.

  4. Associate the YES, I HAVE A DISABILITY answer with the diversity answer you modified earlier.
      The Insert Data Element window is displayed.
    2. In the Diversity Question drop-down list, select the appropriate disability question.
    3. In the Answer drop-down list, select YES, I HAVE A DISABILITY.
      The Mandatory check box is displayed for information purposes only. It's value is "inherited" from the Diversity form.
    4. Click Save.
  5. Associate the NO, I DON'T HAVE A DISABILITY answer with the diversity answer you modified earlier.
    2. In the Diversity Question drop-down list, select the appropriate disability question.
    3. In the Answer drop-down list, select NO, I DON'T HAVE A DISABILITY.
      The Mandatory check box is displayed for information purposes only. Its value is "inherited" from the Diversity form.
    4. Click Save.
  6. Associate the I DON'T WISH TO ANSWER answer with the diversity answer you modified earlier.
    1. Click I DON'T WISH TO ANSWER.
    2. In the Diversity Question drop-down list, select the appropriate disability question.
    3. In the Answer drop-down list, select I DON'T WISH TO ANSWER.
      The Mandatory check box is displayed for information purposes only. It's value is "inherited" from the Diversity form.
    4. Click Save.
  7. Associate the Your Name field with the Your Name user-defined field you created earlier.
    1. Click Your Name.
    2. In the User-defined Field drop-down list, select Your Name.
    3. You can configure the Your Name user-defined field as mandatory or optional by selecting or clearing the Mandatory check box.
      The check box affects only the display of the field in the context of the disability form. Where the field is displayed elsewhere in a form or in the Recruiting Center, the standard permissions continue to determine the field's behavior.
    4. Click Save.
  8. Associate the Today's Date field with the Today's Date user-defined field you created earlier.
    1. Click Today's Date.
    2. In the User-defined Field drop-down list, select Today's Date.
    3. You can configure the Today's Date user-defined field as mandatory or optional by selecting or clearing the Mandatory check box.
      The check box affects only the display of the field in the context of the disability form. Where the field is displayed elsewhere in a form or in the Recruiting Center, the standard permissions continue to determine the field's behavior.
    4. Click Save.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Activate.


The Active document can now be used in application flows. Once a document's status is Active, the Properties and Field Binding sections of the document can no longer be modified. Also note that a document can only be disabled while it is not referenced by any application flow.