What's a Completed Submission

You can view and sort candidate submissions based on the date when a submission was completed.

Submissions are considered completed when:

  • A candidate completed a job submission and clicked the Submit button.

  • A candidate (usually internal candidate) refers someone when creating or updating a submission.

  • An agent refers someone when creating or updating a submission.

  • A recruiter matches a candidate to a requisition (when creating a new submission or when a match is done with an incomplete submission).

  • An import is done on a submission.

  • A candidate is hired on a job.

If you add the column Submission Completed to a requisition-specific submissions list, information in the column appears as follows:

  • A blank value means that the submission is not yet completed.

  • Ascending sorting (arrow pointing upwards) displays the oldest submissions at the top of the list. If you sort on the Submission Completed Date column, blank values (incomplete submissions) are always displayed at the bottom of the list, whether sorting in an ascending or descending order.