Extend an Offer

You extend an offer when you first communicate an offer to a candidate. You can subsequently convey the same offer again using the Send Offer action. For example, you might first want to track that an offer was extended verbally to a candidate and later, a more formal offer letter was sent to that same candidate.

There are several ways you can extend an offer:

  • Verbally

  • Email

  • Printed Letter

  • E-offer

When you extend an offer verbally, you can select the option Capture offer response (after extending). Possible answers are:

  • The candidate accepted the offer. If you select this option, indicate the date when the offer was accepted and the start date of the candidate.

  • The candidate wants to negotiate the offer. If you select this option, indicate the reason.

  • The candidate refused the offer. If you select this option, indicate the reason.

When you extend an offer in writing (email, printed letter), you can review, print and edit the content of the message before sending it to the candidate.

When you extend an offer electronically, the candidate can view and respond to the offers on line. Your administrator can configure two types of E-offer:

  • Standard: Candidates receive an email notification inviting them to access a secure career section portal to view the offer on line. They can view the offer details and offer letter attachments, if any. They can also print the offer and the offer letter attachments. Candidates then decide to accept or refuse the offer and they must e-sign the offer by providing their full name and unique identifier.

  • Advanced: The advanced option is for organizations having more complex requirements such as additional eSignatures, notifications extended to more people, calls to partner services, different tasks for executives.