Check for Duplicate Candidates and Merge Duplicate Candidates

You can run a duplicate check to identify potential duplicate candidates. If you find duplicate files, you can merge them into a single master file.

The Check for Duplicates action is available when viewing a list of submissions or general profiles and when viewing the details of a submission and general profile.

Let’s say you’re in a list of submissions.

  1. Select a candidate.
  2. In the More Actions menu, select Check for Duplicates. The system verifies if the candidate already exists in the database. If applicable, a list of potential duplicate candidates is displayed.
  3. If you determine that one or multiple candidates are a duplicate, you can merge them with the reference candidate. Select the reference candidate and the potential duplicates, then click the Merge selected candidates button.
  4. On the Merge Candidate Files page, select which candidate will be retained. You can also set the merge sequence. It’s important to select the candidate and merge sequence with care because files are processed one at a time as per the configured sequence and only information that doesn’t already exist is included.
  5. If you select the option to send an email notification, an email message is sent to the master candidate or the agent owning the master candidate to inform them that the candidate files were merged and to invite that person to review the new candidate file.
  6. Click Merge Candidates.


What happens once the merge is done:

  • The information in the candidate file that was retained is preserved and enriched by merging in the information from the duplicate candidate files.

  • The candidates that were not retained are deleted.