Link Candidates to a Requisition

You can link one or multiple candidates to a requisition to create submissions for that requisition. You can link multiple candidates at a time to more than one requisition.

Let's say you want to link several candidates to a requisition.
  1. In the Submissions menu, select the candidates.
  2. In the More Actions menu, select Link to Requisition.
  3. Select a requisition then click the Link to Requisition button.

    Requisitions displayed match the default matching requisition criteria set by your administrator.

  4. You can then choose to send an email to the candidate if you need more info about their profile. Emails are sent only for posted requisitions, to avoid inviting candidates to requisitions they can’t see on the career section.


When candidates are linked to a requisition, they can complete the application process, if applicable. You will see these submissions displayed with the initial status on the 1st step of the selection process. The event is tracked in the submission's History tab.