Submit a Requisition for Approval

If your requisition needs to go through an approval process, you can use the Submit for Approval action and select users who will approve the requisition. At least one person must approve the requisition.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.
  2. Open a requisition.
  3. In the More Actions menu, select Submit for Approval.
  4. Click Add Approvers to select users who will approve the requisition.
    Based on your settings and configurations, the list of approvers may be prepopulated and, in some cases, you might not be able to add or remove approvers.
  5. Define the order of approval by assigning a sequence number to each approver. The approval path can be carried out in two ways:
    • Sequential: When the first approver receives an approval request, the approver approves the requisition. Once approved, the approval request goes to the next approver, and so on.

    • Parallel: Multiple approvers receive an approval request and they can all approve the requisition at the same time. Approvers can approve the requisition without having to wait for the others.

  6. Enter comments for the approvers.
  7. Select the user to whom the requisition must be sent once it's approved.
  8. Click Submit for Approval.


The approvers receive an approval request notification in the order set in the approval path. You can see the progress of the approval such as the decision made and the date and time of the approval in the job requisition's Approvals tab.