Get learnCenters



Returns LearnCenters.


Query Parameters
  • Specify how many items should be returned in a payload. Must be lower than server default limit size.
  • Specify the starting point of the response.
    Default Value: 0
  • Search through LearnCenters collection items. Use Mongo DB Query format. Searchable properties are - name, path. example: ?q={path:{$eq: 'home/api'}}
  • If set to true, the payload includes total number of rows that satisfies the request. Use of this parameter determines if the 'last' link is displayed for a pageable collection.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

LearnCenters collection fetched.
Body ()
Root Schema : LearnCentersResponse
Type: object
LearnCenter response object.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Learn Center items.
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Nested Schema : LearnCenterResponse
Type: object
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Nested Schema : memberships
Type: object
Object containing parameters to the LearnCenter Memberships.
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Nested Schema : supervisorAccounts
Type: object
Supervisor Account object containing links to the supervisor accounts.
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Nested Schema : userCustomFields
Type: object
User custom field object containing links to the custom fields.
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401 Response

Authentication refused for provided credentials or token invalid.

500 Response

Internal server error.
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