Prevent Sign Up with Company Email Domain

A setting, Allow new user Sign Up with company Email Domain, enables Administrators to allow or prevent the creation of new users using the company email domain.

This configuration option allows Administrators to prevent users from registering as new users using email addresses which include the customer’s corporate email domain, which would mark that user as an employee. This feature closes a backdoor which permitted non employees to view jobs posted only internally.

Messaging and error handling informs users that a company domain cannot be entered into the Email field (when the setting is disabled). Users will be informed that this is an invalid action when they attempt to enter a company domain in the following areas:
  • Sign Up for Job Alerts

  • Sign Up (Referral Only mode)

  • Settings page

  • Apply modal

  • Upload Friend’s Resume

The Allow new user Sign Up with company Email Domain setting has two configuration options. They are:
  • Enabled (On) – Allows creation of new system users with addresses using the company email domain.

  • Disabled (Off) – Does not allow creation of new system users with email addressed using the company email domain.

  • Loaded employees still use the Sign Up button to claim their account for first time use.

  • Disabling this setting is recommended for customers where all employees are in the system already and where there is no use case where an employee should need to register as a new user.