Social Channels Configuration Settings

The Social Channels configuration section provides access to settings relating to site connectivity to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Weibo.


Settings for the Social Channels configuration are listed in the following table.

Name Description
Configuration > Social Channels > Facebook
Facebook Enabled Enables the Facebook application/channel in Sourcing.
API Key Enter the Facebook API key.
Application ID Enter the Facebook Application ID.
Application Secret Enter the Facebook Application Secret.
Facebook Quickshare Enables Quickshare button to post to Facebook without being tethered.
Description Maximum Length Enter the maximum length for the description.
Tab App Activation Enables display of the Facebook Tab application.
SJD - Use Facebook App Job Link Enables use in SJD (Social Jobs Distribution) of the Facebook application job link.
Configuration > Social Channels > Twitter
Twitter Enabled Enables the Twitter channel in Sourcing.
Consumer API Key Enter the Twitter consumer API key.
Consumer Secret Enter the Twitter consumer secret.
Configuration > Social Channels > LinkedIn
LinkedIn Enabled Enables the LinkedIn channel in Sourcing.
Consumer API Key Enter the LinkedIn consumer API key.
Consumer Secret Enter the LinkedIn consumer secret.
LinkedIn API Enables the LinkedIn API.
LinkedIn JS API Enables the Java Script API for LinkedIn.
Configuration > Social Channels > Weibo
Weibo Enabled Enables the Weibo channel in Sourcing. When activated, Weibo shows up as a sharing option when an employee acts to recommend a job to a friend. This Send a Status Update (Weibo) option sends and embedded link to the friend.
API Key Enter the Weibo API key.
Application ID Enter the Weibo application ID.
Application Secret Enter the Weibo application secret.
Weibo Like Share Widget Enables the Weibo Lite Share Widget.